MOTD (Meme of the Day)

I am sure this is another one of the times @RatLabGuy has posted something that is beyond my intelligence.
Happens alot.

I get it now. Not the level of cleaverness I would have expected....
Or where I work, they just see it as a way to reduce headcount without a layoff. True story. One of our best engineers died of a heart attack in the office, they never let us hire to fill the spot. Another engineer on my team retired a couple months ago, don’t get to fill his spot either.
Or where I work, they just see it as a way to reduce headcount without a layoff. True story. One of our best engineers died of a heart attack in the office, they never let us hire to fill the spot. Another engineer on my team retired a couple months ago, don’t get to fill his spot either.
You must be in the energy industry too, haha. I forwarded that meme to a buddy at work and said "funny, but clearly they don't work where we do".
Or where I work, they just see it as a way to reduce headcount without a layoff. True story. One of our best engineers died of a heart attack in the office, they never let us hire to fill the spot. Another engineer on my team retired a couple months ago, don’t get to fill his spot either.
We're under a 2:1 hiring restriction. 1 new hire for every 2 that leave/retire/die.