N.O. Limit Offroad Rock Crawl and Mud Bog 7-26-08

Very Sweet. I hope this is the kick off for regular events at the stables! Thanks again for the sport support poker.
awesome! that'll be fun. Jackie, have you guys figured out pricing or anything? how's that gonna work?

Waiting on the powers that be to decide about admission/racing prices and what the pay outs will be. I thought I would go ahead and post the event so that everyone can go ahead and mark it on their calendars. I will pass on any information as I get it.
Waiting on the powers that be to decide about admission/racing prices and what the pay outs will be. I thought I would go ahead and post the event so that everyone can go ahead and mark it on their calendars. I will pass on any information as I get it.
ah, now you said racing...is this a race across the mud bog, or are we talking about a lap(s) around the property?
lol...."racing prices"

Different prices for different races. I.e. it might caust an asian more than an alutian alaskan to get into the mud pit.

Hey Jimmy. Sorry it has taken so long to get you the information about camping. We will be offering camping here for anyone who is interested. If you would like to secure a reservation for a site, please give us a call at Uwharrie Stables/Uwharrie Adventures.
What is the class break down for the mud bog. Is it based on tire size?
Id like to know if there is any class breakdown for the rocks as well, not interested in mud.

Last time we had class break down's via 38.5's and lower in the small class everything larger in big class, also engine mods/forced induction/spray would put you in the big class, I'm not sure exactly how its gonna be this time, but probably something similar.

Not sure for the rocks, we we're rained out last time but it was also a tire size cutoff, Nick or Owen can tell you that there in charge of the Rocks.
Thanks Vanguard :driver:

Hey everyone...This is Jackie.
About the Mud....Johnny busted out the dam at the start and end of the mud pit. We only have a single lane of mud now, verses back in May where we had 2 lanes. There is plenty of room to start and hit it hard and keep going. We have also put an ATV drag strip beside the mud pit. I don't know if it will be ready by the end of the month, but soon.
Nick and Owen came out and helped us place a few more rocks and pipe to change the Rock pile a bit. Good luck getting over it.
We are excited about the event and will also have a food vendor here (Mountain Market) and a DJ set up.
Come on out and have some fun. :Rockon: