NC -Brolite driver spotlight video!

^^^^ First thing that came to mind.

This made me chuckle hard, wonder if the FIL would mind me taking over the bottoms next to hunting creek.....
Lined up for tech. Its been raining all morning..the track is a mess. They say it'll drain fast and get real don't see it. But we're gonna race anyway. Maybe I can draw from my ecors mud racing experience and pull out a nice finish.

There are a lot of different classes of racers here. PT cruisers to full blown v8 race trucks. Sxs, vw buggys, and much more. They'll race anything here!
There are a lot of different classes of racers here. PT cruisers to full blown v8 race trucks. Sxs, vw buggys, and much more. They'll race anything here!
Is info on the non-bro-lite classes available somewhere?

I wonder how many of the folks there are consistent Line Mountain wheelers, this venue wasn't too terribly far from where they usually run.
I drew the highest number for starting pisition. Started dead last in the 15 or so truck field in the 1st round..finished in 4th.

Round two..started 3rd from last. And wound up 4th again I think.

But I'm proud yo announce....woo hook

Place 3rd overall and wound up on the podium and in the money!!

It was everything I had hoped for. Bro-lite racing is an awesome ride!
Awesome!!! Nice job getting it together and out there!