NC4X4 Ride Mnt City Weekend of 12/26/08

I hope somebody posts those pics of my ride walking up little tellico in the dark . I was only up for the day/night so I had to give it a shot. It was an awesome trail and I can't wait to come back. Thanks to everyone out there and Thanks for chip welding up that driveshaft.
I went up for the day and my new propane system worked flawlessly that shit is the best stuff since sliced bread. Wish I could say the same about the rest of the Jeep. Na really the Jeep did great it was the guy behind the skinny pedal that created most problems. I first blew an air line going to my rear air locker (too close to the exhaust)then busted a wheel cylinder and had no brakes and to top it off I broke an axle in front. All this within a couple hundred feet of one another doing the big hill climb on Step. Try climbing step w/o front axle, open rear, and no brakes. It makes for an exciting ride. But, the motor never missed or flooded thanks to the Pane. I winched to the top replaced my axle and fixed everything else and was good to go to Armorall. Today everyone I think broke something. The things I heard was power steering lines, pumps, two axles, shifter linkages, wheel cylinders, and I heard of at least one roll I think on waterfall. All in all the day turned out awesome including the weather. I'll post some pics if I can figure out how.
Just got back home. Had a good ride with a couple of rigs from Ashville area. Also saw Chip but didn't ride with him. I wasn't horibly impressed but I didn't wheel long. Maybe a dryer day with an accomplished trail guide would have been a better expierence.[/QUO Whats up jim this is chris i was in the rigs from asheville glad to meet you and your friend. Had a great time hope to see you again on the trails! Don't under estimate the power of the 4 banger and open Diffs HA HA HA. Got some video of you going up easy out as soon as i get a chance i'll post them. Later
I heard of at least one roll I think on waterfall.

Yeh, that was Eric or Kelly? I met them at the beginning of the day, but now can't remember who it was. He was driving a red XJ, and rolled it over on the side trying to climb the waterfall. Good try and good show.

A little later another dude in an orange XJ heavy footed it and bounced his way up the waterfall launching his cooler and high lift out the back in the process.

I was in the group that came up upon you along the skyline trail while you were fixing your air line.

I had a great time, and am looking forward to going back.

BIG thanks to Chip for leading the group around.

I forgot my camera:shaking:

yeah im the one that rolled on my side on the water fall, kellys my name. im making a video and need some names of a few people i dont rem. i need the guys name with the $30 xj that rode up the waterfall with open diff

. the guy with the toyota that was in the creek in front of me with the exo cage from hickory.

and the guy with the white samuri that was following my freind eric in his red sami
I was driving the white Samurai.

I believe the guy driving the $30XJ was Mike.

I think the guy driving the exo'd Yota was Chad, but that might be wrong.

$30 XJ with open front that went up waterfall is Michael.
The Toy with the Exo is Andy, from Conelly Springs
cool guys ill try to make a video that dont suck. thanks chip for leading us around it was a blast, eric in the red sami cant wait to come back. almost got the video edited , just got to put music to it!
Had a great time. My buddy and I went out an explored on our own but ran into a few of you guys at the waterfall saturday.


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Sunday was a blast. The rain man things interesting on the hill climbs.


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Hey Matt you and Stephen looked like ya'll had a ball. I was gonna call Stephen in the morning to see if you guys wanted to go up there in a couple of weeks. If your still interested let me know were going Jan 17th.

Was Stephen the one that made it up the water fall w/ the open diff?
no that was michael (k5-1402) im loading the video now , ill post a link later. i got bout 5 minutes of video.hope you guys like hatebreed !
The first picture I put up is from the waterfall on welder.

I would be up for another trip, not sure about stephen though his motor is hurting after today.
well i got the video done, but photobucket and youtube wont let me upload it because of the music i used, so tonight i guess ill have to go back and put diff music in it and try again.
I was worried about the weather for this weekend, but, Mother nature come through and it was awesome. With just a handful of us up there Friday, we headed out to welder. Not planning on hitting the hard stuff and breaking before we had time to have some fun, I by-passed the waterfall, and easyout. No one in our group hit the fall, but several did hit easyout. On the way up, Steve's (89wrangler) stopped. After searching for the problem, we pulled the distributor cap off and found the most unusual thing I have seen on the trail, or the drive-way for that matter. The little metal end on the rotor button had broke off! Not having a spare, we mixed up some JB Quick, and put it back on. After a short wait to cure it, re-installed it, and it fire right back up. Good to go!
We continued on up to the small rock garden just before the switchback, and one of Jason's Jeeps broke a drive shaft. As breaks go, it was a good one. I broke out the welder, and put it back together. The driver (Jason had two rigs up there, and I don't think he drove either one much if at all) proceeded to thrash it. The drive shaft held. The one stump and big rock seemed to grab hold of about everyone that went near it.
I forgot to mention the Red Cherokee was having ARB issues. Had a leak and compressor kept running. He dove into it back at camp and fixed it though.
A couple guys from Burnsville Ty and (insert your name, told you I was terrible at names) One in a full size Blazer, The blazer had brand new BDS springs in the front. He bent the main leaf when we were making the turn coming down skyline. We got everyone down. Some of went back to camp, a few went on up to Armourall and pull cable.
Back at camp, I found a couple pieces of flat bar, we drilled some holes in it, and sandwiched the main and second leaf together for a temp fix. It held up to two more days of wheeling!
The red Cherokee found his leak and plugged off the line for his OBA and was good to go.

Saturday morning rig after rig rolled in and we had a big crowd of rigs. I was about to hold the drivers meeting and found that I had propane leaking. Tried to tighten it more, and it still leaked. Switched tanks, same issue. It had froze over real bad, and froze my hand as well, so I put the hose inside my big box to protect it from the mud and was good to go. Later in the day I decided to change tanks, and it worked fine.
I took out the small tire group, and those without lockers, as well as some that just wanted to go with out group. We headed out Red up to the Tower, down to TOW, and then over to welder.
On the way up red, the red Cherokee was blowing steam. Upon inspection, he had broke off the plastic end of the heater control mechanism. Dean pulled his Zuk up beside it, pulled out the grinder with a cutting disc, and I sawed the end off, put the hose up on it, Wah-lah, no more leak. Before we got rolling again, Andy pulled up and had a motor mount almost broke. We took the same cutting disc and cut a piece of chain and welded it to the motor mount, and to the frame, another fix with the Ready Welder, no more rocking engine.
Several times through out the day Steve had issues with his Red Cherokee (we had two red XJ's on the trip) It would run great then stop, he eventually went back to camp and then to the auto parts and got a few more parts. New Dizzy, coil, and came back to find us. Still had issues. We switched some relays around on Sunday, and got it moving several times. He thinks it's a CPS, so we'll find out about that later.
We played around at the Tower, had lunch, and then went down to TOW and played on the lesser of difficult climbs. Several rigs tried it, while several by-passed it.
Most notable were the White Sammy, open/open and made it up, and the $30 Cherokee with only locked rear. The nice Maroon unlimited tried, but had to pull cable before he broke it ( not that he wanted to, but I kinda insisted) After we got to rolling, I heard chatter on the radio about Kenneth(lockedup5) needed some parts. He was over on the step trail with a broke ARB line, Broke front axle, and a broke rear brake line. I hurried down the mountain and over to welder, I left my group there and went on up, turns out I didn''t have the ARB splice, and he did. I went back to join my group to find most had already went up waterfall or bypassed it. I just barely missed Michael(K5-1402) make the fall in the $30 Cherokee,..................with an open front! I also missed the roll over of the red Cherokee, but someone did show it to me on their camera. Kinda slow, two staged roll, but a roll nonetheless. Not too much damage, he was able to continue on as soon as he was back on his wheels.
We continued on up welder to skyline and then down. Any, Jeremy and I went up the step trail, everyone else headed on up welder to the top. That Slick root got me again! Both Jeremy and I had to winch over it, Andy in the Silver and orange Toyota, made it up with no help! We then headed over to Armoural and pull cable. I went up armoural and was sitting at the top. K5-1402 broke his front axle just before 3 ways out, and had to be winched up and out. An end to a great day for Michael.
It got dark on us and we all headed out to camp.
Sunday we only had about 8 rigs, six of us rode together. We stopped twice to change out hubs, one in Jeremy's, Zuk, and once in the Big Blazer, neither time did it fix the problem, I think both were having lock-rite issues. We rode Red to TOW, and then over to Welder. This time I got to go up the fall, pointed, and crawled it. never slipped a tire, just slow motion crawl. I had it in Low/low, throttle pulled slightly, and never touched anything but the steering wheel. SWAAAAWEEET! in the last couple times before, I had broke a rear universal, and another time the rear output shaft on my 300. So this made for a good day. We went on up to easyout, I tried crawling it, I almost made it, but in the end had to back off a little and burp the throttle a little and upnover it came.
We came back down skyline and called it a day.
I had a great time this weekend. I want to thank everyone that come out and joined us. Great group of guys.
I received a few coats, not as many as I had hoped for, but will be a good contribution for some folks that without would be cold. Thanks to all that contributed!

As I am writing this, Leslie is downloading pics and Vids, will be posted shortly.
Good to hear of all the fun, most notably, the $30 dollar xj is goin' strong.
Way to go Michael....I never pictured the $30 xj doing the waterfall at callalante!:driver: Nice drivin' man!
Well first off I want to thank Chip for a great trail guide. This was my first time up there and I think I would have been lost without his showing us the way.

I had a great time and there are some awsome trails up there. I think I will hold off on going back untill I get the rear axle swap done and at least one locker installed. There was plenty of action to watch the whole time. It was also nice to see how helpful everyone was. The last group I wheeled with kept leaving people behind. This was a breath of fresh air seeing how helpful everyone was.

Oh yeah nice pictures and videos also. And I hope the coats we donated are helpful for those that dont have any.