NC4x4 T-Shirt Competition

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What i was trying to do was to make the edges of the pic kinda gradually disappear into the background. Maybe a different font or somethin just a crappy ms paint. Just have one of the logos on the front
ooh, my idea (check signature) with the crappy html drawing and stuff with slashes and dots, kinda like internet slang. that would be cool. and this on the breast> OIIIIIIIO with below it. sorry its kinda jeep biased, could be a couple different versions for yotas and fords and such.
I wish it were feasible to have our forum names across the back, football jersey style, or janitor style on the front. That would be cool, I think, to see someone wearing the shirt at an event and immediately recognize who they are off the board.
A few of mine:

This on the front pocket:


Then this on the back with a sweet link set up and a little more detail:



this one (which I like better). This should be black and white and the only color is the NC4x4 sticker on the Jeep. Actually I'd like a different picture that is closer up and make the NC4x4 the center of the picture. I think you get the idea.


or something like this but more close up with the logo in color and the rest in black and white. I think you get the idea.

How about on the back we say
For a list of all the LEGAL wheeling spots in North Carolina, visit

maybe that way we don't have to point all the newbies to it every time! hahahah :lol:

I am going to go ahead and request that we have 3XL shirts as well, I will be good for two or three of them.
hahaha, revision (with smilies)

|:eek: :driver:|
|\\|---0- |\\|

I want a medium t and hoodie if and when they are ready.
This is awesome!

:bounce2: I'm working on an idea or two, so I'll reserve a spot for it here. :bounce:
Do you know what color shirts you are going to have? Ill be interested in 2-L tees, and maybe a hoodie if you do them...

Colors may depend on what gets printed on them, but if you have any preferences, post up.

And yeah, if you're interested in a hoodie, post up for that too. Pull-over or zip? I can look into it.

I wish it were feasible to have our forum names across the back, football jersey style, or janitor style on the front. That would be cool, I think, to see someone wearing the shirt at an event and immediately recognize who they are off the board.
like this idea also
I'll take a couple of the pull overs & a couple of the t's

As long as they don't have "Dieselwhale" across the back.
FWIW, I don't want two different colors on front and back and I don't care for the blue logo. Same green logo, big on back, small on front. And yes, I'm a conservative :)
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