NC4x4 T-Shirt Competition

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More design ideas!!!
Heres just a quick design you could get your username on the back,
View attachment ai34.tinypic.com_iei5oy.jpg

let me try and explain BRANDING this way.

Let's say you bought a Ford. On the grill is a blue oval with "Ford" in the middle. no problem right? everything is good.

now you walk to the back and look on the trunk. something just isn't right.... what could it be? OH I KNOW! There's a Chevy bow tie with "Ford" in the middle of it. :shaking:

Pick one or the other.:rolleyes:
I'm in for a couple of XL tees and a pull over. I will work on a design but I think it going to include....BACON!!
My vote is for the green logo. And please no pocket t-shirts. Also, I am willing to pay a little more for a good quality t-shirt (not like those 5 for $5 you see at the beach). Lets also have some other color besides white.
Dang, I would be willing to pay extra for a pocket tee! Can't please everyone, I know.

Also, the one thing that will keep me from buying one of these shirts is if bacon is a major part of it. As if that meme wasnt played out enough as it is, I refuse to be part of the problem. Might as well have monorail cats or goatse on it.
I like the one with wrenches and "spindel gears".To those without a clue as to what I mean,nevermind.
I like the OD green color
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