Ok so, guy decides to be as ass by riding my brothers tail for like 2 miles, then my brother gives him a little brake check to get him to back off and then the guy speeds in the other lane and gets beside him long enough to see that my bro is flipping him the rod and then proceeds to get back behind him and follow him all the way to work and then chokes him.... Because HE was riding his tail and got brake checked and the bird flipped at him? I am not looking at things "eye for an eye" I am looking at things like this guy drives around and obviously has some sort of anger issue and he is representing his company when he is out and he should just get away with choking someone? I don't think so. Also, I am not teaching him that 2 wrongs make a right.....I however do teach him to take up for himself. My brother will call the company tomorrow because he did confirm that it was indeed that van was the one.He will tell them of the situation in hopes that they find out who did it and that something will be done about it. Lesson learned: My brother needs to know that if he plans on flipping someone the bird, he better be prepared, and if someone puts their hands on him first...all bets are off and he is free to have at it. Also, the guy better learn that you put your hands on someone, that you also better be prepared to face whats coming to you.