New Member Check In - Post HERE <------------------

New guy here. Stationed in Goldsboro, NC. Been here just under 2 years. Moved down after 6 years in Alaska. Have a 06 Jeep WK. Looking for a good group of legal wheelers to hang out with.
Hey guys, been looking around here for a while but never made an account. I finally got my rig running so I guess its a good excuse to make an account. I'm a few minutes from The Flats in Marion, if any body wants to meet up on one of the next shows they have, let me know!
Not a new member but been MIA for about 4 years. I am finally back in North Carolina and looking to get back to building and trail running.
Wanted to introduce myself, just moved down to Wilmington from the Maine/New Hampshire region. Been wheeling various rigs for years. Currently just have my Cuck Vee truck which won't see much more than a beach or a haul road. Always looking for a new project or willing to help someone out with their's. Can pretty much do anything except paint. A nice paint job is found on a rack at the hardware store :)



Anyone in the Wilmington area?
Wanted to introduce myself, just moved down to Wilmington from the Maine/New Hampshire region. Been wheeling various rigs for years. Currently just have my Cuck Vee truck which won't see much more than a beach or a haul road. Always looking for a new project or willing to help someone out with their's. Can pretty much do anything except paint. A nice paint job is found on a rack at the hardware store :)

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Anyone in the Wilmington area?
Good morning folks. I wanted to stop in a say hello. I'm from chesapeake va. I've been into wheeling for most of my life. I had a landcruiser that had to be put down because I rolled her too many times. I saved my axles and am planning on putting them under my tacoma. I have all the parts for the SAS all I need is time.
Hey all... just wanted to stop and say Hi... Just got my JK Shara Unlimited about a month ago and have already stated the modding.... I have a friend that tells me I have these "tendencies".. Oh well it happens..

Am in the Belhaven area... not much wheeling in these parts...

Another new member here. I don't have a plan is this fall/winter to get my first, so I'm looking for advice from experienced persons. Opinions are sought. And yes I am firmly aware that opinions are like.....we all have one....I know that this may open pandora's box in a sense as I seek input...I originally was leaning towards getting a new jku rubicon. Then after further research and seeing the issues related to front axles bending..maybe not so much...what ever I end up with, whether it be an older 4.0L or something newer (although, I think I know enough to shy away from the 2012's), I would like it to be something that I could modify/build as mine vs. buying one that someone else has already built to their liking. So please feel free to message me, or suggest where I should post this thread to get the best response, and if a moderator wants to move my post, to help me, I'm ok with that. Thanks to everyone in advance! Darryn
New guy from Pawleys Island SC , I do paint and autobody for a living , built an 06 F150 into a raptor and created Paint Patrol for my business. Built a YJ i got cheap to go wheeling. Had it up to uwharrie for opening week.
Hi guys, New to the forum but old to off-road. Owned 57 Auto Service in Wilmington and now I'm back in the Raleigh area. I also owned Mud Covered Productions so if you have seen the Carolina Carnage DVD you've see me. I'd be the one at the end thanking people for letting us make that DVD. Had to get out for a few years, thank 3 kids for that, but it's time to get back to what I love! Building an expo style 2 door XJ between paying Fabrication jobs and the daily grind. This is the old YJ (Kermit) and the new XJ I'm starting on.


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Hello all. Raleigh based family guy/restaurateur here. I have a slightly modified '96 XJ with 3.5" lift on 30" AT tires. Looking for people to hit the trails with that wont be bothered by my limited rig set up holding them back from the more aggressive trails. I'm usually available on week days due to running a restaurant and being busier on the weekends


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Quick re-intro for me. My name is Tim, I've been here before. Just picked up a 2009 Rubicon yesterday. This makes jeep #4 now. Look forward to meeting some of you guys. Located in Winston-Salem
Hey, just posting a quick hello from Knoxville. Hoping to soon be a LJ owner, keeping my eye out for a decent one. That being said, wife says the CJ has to go first.

Been wheeling for over 20 years, gone through a few trucks, a Jeepster, a YJ, a XJ (that I should never have sold), and then built a CJ-7 from the ground up and competed professionally in the early days of UROC and ProRock.

Moved here from Conifer, CO, and since then, my jeep has been mostly sitting in my garage with quite the look of contempt towards me as I shifted my focus to raising my family. Started working on it again a few weeks ago, and rediscovered the joy of working on cars, really made me feel good. So going to sell it, and look for something a little more street friendly that I can still get out on the trails.

Couple of pics of my CJ


New guy here. My name is Ryan, just moved to Asheville with my fiance from Denver, CO. Hope to find some people around here to wheel with, seems like there isn't much around the Asheville area from my understanding. I have a 94 ford ranger. Building it to eventually race ecors. How are the cops on driving street legalish trucks in this part of the country?


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