New Member!

Not a knock on her, but as I have to remind the "real world educated" folks (no college degree) regarding the large (75 of 105 employees) installment of pinhead PhD's here...
"Do NOT confuse education with intelligence!"
Can I get an Amen? :lol:


Sorry. WAY to many friends from college rugby team that went on to become Drs, lawyers, and other extra degrees.
hahahah! thanks for the warm welcome guys... yeah, i don't know what all this "underage" business is on the site..makes me feel a little jailbait-ey again, lol.. i turned 20 in december, and yes, i start grad school this fall at USC... i graduated highschool at 16, yadda yadda..but amen to what carver dave said, education doesn't equal intelligence in all cases! (case in point - overlooking the appropriate thread to post in? heh)

hahah as for the mistake of buying a ford, mine has treated me pretty well so far... i used to own an XJ....then i dumped him. :flipoff2: by that i mean, i was up to my ass in broken stuff every weekend of my life for 4 years right alongside the one whose name was on the title... so i've had a lot of hands on experience with jeeps (which i love).. from "babe, something's shaking under the car, when i park will you get under and shake the u-joints?" to being the brains of the operation on a front leaf spring conversion.
I'd be your sponsor but I don't think my wife would like that.......
jusk kidding...

I find it hard to believe you cannot find a sponsor.. or maybe you have already...

BTW, sell the Ford and buy a JEEP they're so much better :popcorn:
BTW, keep in contact with Caver Dave and read up what it means to be sponsored. I don't think you'll find it overly onerous.

Not a knock on her, but as I have to remind the "real world educated" folks (no college degree) regarding the large (75 of 105 employees) installment of pinhead PhD's here...
"Do NOT confuse education with intelligence!"

Bein ga pinhead PhD... I have to say....

You are correct, sir. :beer:

Uhhh Im gonna need the pics....
jesus, you guys are like sharks on blood.

Ha ha, this thread had me crackin up.... I could be a sponsor.. do i have to do anything? ha ha..

Welcome new member! Im trying to get a SC club going as well but plans are still in the mix.

And for some reason I am thinking that is wheel nakeds' girlfriend and and it is just a dude looking for a sponsor.. i know im cynical! ha ha :rolleyes:
And for some reason I am thinking that is wheel nakeds' girlfriend and and it is just a dude looking for a sponsor.. i know im cynical! ha ha :rolleyes:

Profile says:

First Name: Anna-Maria
Howdy. And for some reason, I think Ricky found someone to sponsor.

*whistles innocently*

Oh, and where in Md where you from?

well, that is a start :D
get up with big ricky, I am sure you two will get along great!

Profile says:

First Name: Anna-Maria

Wow, if that is the chick in the pic looks like I missed out on being the sponsor, now that I'm done with school and actually working instead of slacking . . . . er . . . studying, up at NC State I never have time hardly to check the site like I used to, I've spent the last two weeks in SC working 10 to 16 hours a day and sleeping in hotels every night, I am burnt out :shaking:

Sucks too cause I think I'm already getting dumped by who I thought was my girlfriend out of the blue after three weeks when I thought everything was going fine :handed: :handed: :handed:
Well, there's the mud pit on saturday at the farm this saturday. Thats a plus.
Hey, we should be down in columbia soon ricky. hint, hint...
Sucks too cause I think I'm already getting dumped by who I thought was my girlfriend out of the blue after three weeks when I thought everything was going fine :handed: :handed: :handed:

no worrys ricky, better at 3 weeks then at 1 year

besides I ain't ready yet :shaking:
The best time to "be ready" is when you are already doing it. This is not like getting married, or jumping off a cliff.. most of the times the underagers are good, the ones that are not already have a name with the incorrect date under the B-day.

Back on topic, Anna, hope this sausage fest does not run you away, I promise it will calm down... in about a year :shaking:
I guess, good excuse to do something really stupid at the BDB ride this weekend with the Jeep :driver:
Since when did you need an excuse??:flipoff2:
I guess, good excuse to do something really stupid at the BDB ride this weekend with the Jeep :driver:

let me know when your gonna do this,so i can get it on tape for everyone else to get a laugh at :beer: