[Nov 5, 2015] 5th Annual Veterans Ride (eldarado nc)

I am epic tired, already thinking about next year, and not just the ride itself, I am thinking about the comradery, the friendship , and the people I probably want see till next year. I am hoping we can add to the memorial rock garden for many, many years.
I can't say thank you enough to everyone who supported us this year, to every vendor, to every friend that offers help every where I turned.

Keep each other close to your heart , and reach out when the need is there. This week lets make sure to let every veteran we know that they are not forgotten and we do care, no matter what it takes.

Final tally was one debeaded tire and two partially debeaded, for three flats total. Guess we werent running enough air. :D

Thanks to @snappy for the grub (especially the late night dessert), @Rox&Mud for the tire change help, @Joe J. for the fruit (sounds like he has some recipes to share), @Mulishajoe @ol'Jeeps @BigJUGGY for the entertainment and hospitality, @trailhugger for the fourth gear hill assaults, @jeepin' jen for the kid wrangling and beans, and @Jason W. for a great event and an outstanding weekend.
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Final tally was one debeaded tire and two partially debeaded, for three flats total. Guess we werent running enough air. :D

Thanks to @snappy for the grub (especially the late night dessert), @Rox&Mud for the tire change help, @Joe J. for the fruit (sounds like he has some recipes to share), @Mulishajoe @ol'Jeeps @BigJUGGY for the entertainment and hospitality, @trailhugger for the fourth gear hill assaults, @jeepin' jen for the kid wrangling and beans, and @Jason W. for a great event and an outstanding weekend.

Looks like you have a high speed, low drag clean up crew there...
This was my first event, I came up to help with 4w2h. I was the guy that briefly tried to speak before the big raffle but basically just teared up. This was the best event that I have ever been a part of and I will be at all of the future ones. Jason I will be willing to give you all the help I can from Myrtle Beach for next year. Thanks to CTB and everyone else for all of their hospitality. Freedom Isnt Free and thank god for Veterans willing to give all for our freedoms.
I stopped by around 2pm and said hey to a few people. Sorry I could not stay.
Thanks to everyone who came out to support the event. You all ROCK!!!!!! I can't believe we raised over $3000.00 for 4 Wheel to Heal. It was a muddy rainy day but everyone looked to be having fun. I can't wait to do it all over again next year.

Special thanks goes out to Jason and Josh for coming up with the event 5 years ago. Also have to thank all the others that helped out during the day, Joe, Jen, Snappy, Debra, Russell, Twisted, and I'm probably forgetting some others.

Another thanks to our great vendors for supporting us this year. We didn't charge a gate fee this year so all the monies raised were from the raffle.
-East Coast Gear
-Barnes 4WD
-Wilson's Off-Road
-Spider Web Shade
-Southern Suicidal Lighting
-Rock Krawler
-Crawler Conceptz
-Flippobuilt Motorsports
-Claytons Off-Road
-Bartac / Trek Armor
-M&D Leather Goods
-Carolina Metal Masters
-Vittore Wheel / Carolina Off-Road
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I wanted to say thank you as well to everyone for letting those of us at Carolina Offroad help out with the event. It's wonderful to see so many come together to support each other. As I mentioned at the event, I am also a VA Employee that works in benefits. There's a remote clinic that's happening in Mooresville both Thursday and Friday. If you have any questions about a claim or you need to file a claim, these events are worth the time to attend. It's being sponsored by the American Legion. I've attached a flyer with more information. Also, if you have a question specifically for me, don't hesitate to reach out and send me a note.



  • VBAC Event flyer.pdf
    313.2 KB · Views: 464
Had a great time. Far better than my expectations were, leaving Lincolnton @ 6 AM!

Thanks Jason and all for putting on such a great event and for such a worthy cause.

BTW..Missed ya Granny!

This is always a great event. Glad we could be a part of it...

"...Looking for some one to wash rigs after this weekend @ Uwharrie..." :D

Oh, and to the Juggy Brothers...

Can you move over, so we can get by?!o_O
First & Foremost: Thank You To All Veterans for Your Service!! Let's also thank fellow Jarhead Jason W. for Spearheading the Mission & keeping this Special Event Rolling! Thanks to all Supporters mentioned & those Veterans, Families & Friends in Attendance this past weekend!! Please Know that You Are Deeply Appreciated!! Words are Not Enough..

With Sincere Gratitude,
John & Jeff Stroder
aka "JUGGY Bros."
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