- Joined
- Apr 16, 2005
- Location
- Sharon, SC
You think.of it as paying more I think of it as paying the same that's your problem your greed can't be factored into a stable health care system.
A % is equal to me.... You tax each dollar bill the same , each and every fuckin dollar don't care if you have 5 or 50 billion.
If you have zero yes I think they should have health care , and food , I think shelter is too.much.
Why should I maintain your health care because you HAVE the money and don't even need insurance.
The poor are supporting the rich that are too greedy to take care of themselves when they have the means to do so
Your greed is blinding Ron .
Wow...I am greedy? I am actually slightly offended but not at all surprised you make such a completely inaccurate assumption about me without ever meeting me.
1st this country does NOT tax each dollar the same.
Are you suggesting we change to a flat tax? If so that is a concept we agree on!
If you have zero, and no job should you be required to work?
What does this even mean?
Why should I maintain your health care because you HAVE the money and don't even need insurance.
I have insurance and pay somewhere around $490/month for insurance on my family of 4. But the reason I have insurance and always will, is just like when my BIL had cancer, each of his chemo treatments cost around $150k...A WEEK..in that case I cant pay that. I need insurance. When my son needed stitches and surgery on his hand a while back, that cost me about $3,000 I didnt need insurance for that. I had a savings account. Now ACA has rendered my catastrophe insurance illegal. So my premiums increased and next time that happens I will pay a $100 co-pay.
Again how are you MAINTAINING my healthcare? your words..
How are the poor supporting the rich? WTF does that even mean?
Will you please go back to my previous post and answer my 5 questions?
Please don;t make assumptions about me or my belief system, and you would be wise to refrain from insulting or labeling people. Judge my actions or my thoughts but to call me greedy...well I dont need to defend myself against that claim, I suspect I have enough friends here who can do that for me. You should have learned that judging people you dont know lesson once here already...