
You think.of it as paying more I think of it as paying the same that's your problem your greed can't be factored into a stable health care system.

A % is equal to me.... You tax each dollar bill the same , each and every fuckin dollar don't care if you have 5 or 50 billion.

If you have zero yes I think they should have health care , and food , I think shelter is too.much.

Why should I maintain your health care because you HAVE the money and don't even need insurance.

The poor are supporting the rich that are too greedy to take care of themselves when they have the means to do so

Your greed is blinding Ron .

Wow...I am greedy? I am actually slightly offended but not at all surprised you make such a completely inaccurate assumption about me without ever meeting me.

1st this country does NOT tax each dollar the same.
Are you suggesting we change to a flat tax? If so that is a concept we agree on!

If you have zero, and no job should you be required to work?

What does this even mean?

Why should I maintain your health care because you HAVE the money and don't even need insurance.

I have insurance and pay somewhere around $490/month for insurance on my family of 4. But the reason I have insurance and always will, is just like when my BIL had cancer, each of his chemo treatments cost around $150k...A WEEK..in that case I cant pay that. I need insurance. When my son needed stitches and surgery on his hand a while back, that cost me about $3,000 I didnt need insurance for that. I had a savings account. Now ACA has rendered my catastrophe insurance illegal. So my premiums increased and next time that happens I will pay a $100 co-pay.

Again how are you MAINTAINING my healthcare? your words..

How are the poor supporting the rich? WTF does that even mean?

Will you please go back to my previous post and answer my 5 questions?

Please don;t make assumptions about me or my belief system, and you would be wise to refrain from insulting or labeling people. Judge my actions or my thoughts but to call me greedy...well I dont need to defend myself against that claim, I suspect I have enough friends here who can do that for me. You should have learned that judging people you dont know lesson once here already...
Im signing off and saying goodnight.
Maybe we will meet up on the trail one day.

To be honest I am not sure what your last two post even mean. Thats why I asked the questions I asked, I feel like you have a point, in this thread - somewhere- that I have totally missed.

You seem to rage against ACA but it actually does a fair job of creating exactly the system you say you want. People with higher economic means can not get premium insurance without "cadillac plan" penalties. People who otherwise don't qualify for insurance now have it available.

Good night. Good Luck.
Have fun in this thread I'll read some but I'll reply no more...it isnt worth it.
I don't think the person who has worked hard to earn a nice income wanting to keep more of that hard earned money is nearly as greedy as the person who thinks that someone else's income should be handed to them (for healthcare, food, unemployment, or whatever reason. ). If me wanting to keep the money I have earned makes me greedy, then yes I am the greediest mofro any of you have ever met.
....You have the money yet you have insurance which is a system set up for who can NOT afford it .... When rich have the money ,they should get to.pay insurance and get out of bills they can afford....The rich get WAY more handouts then welfare and foodstamps combined.

I still cant wrap my tiny little brain around this. I believe that a person who can afford to pay cash (for healthcare, or for a car that gets totalled, or looses a house in a fire, property stolen, etc) purchases insurance not to get out of a payment, but to protect the wealth that they have managed to build. Insurance isnt about getting someone else to pay your bills, its about protecting your wealth. However much (or little in my case) that may be.
I think maybe we are taking about two different things, tax rates and insurance. A flat tax rate would be great so everyone pays the same percent of taxes.

But let's say it costs 5k to have a baby. Are you saying that someone WHO makes $100,000 should pay 10k and someone who makes 50,000 should pay 5k and someone who makes 25,000 a year should only pay 2,500 for a baby. Why should people pay more for the same work.

I don't make much money, will you sell me a set of tires based on what my income is? Same principal. That's socialism at it's best. That's what Obama wants.

Am I wrong? Maybe so. Just how I think about it.
If you have 5 million and you can afford to pay.medical bills you should either pay the same % as the poor , or not be allowed insurance.

Greed .. its not that hard.

That's not how capitalism works. At one point you said healthcare should be privatized, in which someone offers a product, they can tailor that product however they want, and there's a good chance the majority of the price points would be too high for the 'poor'...because that's not where the money is at. So what you're saying is the poor should essentially have the same quality of life/healthcare as I do because they were A) Too stupid to have any sort of forethought on their future B) Too lazy to do anything C) Know how to cry poor mouth D) Made bad life decisions or E) some combination of the above. I grew up poor, like go without water/electricity and poach for food poor...there was a time, those conditions were used as motivation to better yourself, not bitch about what you don't have and what's not fair and what you're entitled to. If working 80 hours a week so I can afford top tier insurance, 5 vehicles, a big ass house, exotic vacations, hunting property, etc etc, makes me greedy...by God, I'll wear that crown with honor and I'm probably the greediest bastard here. If you're poor, I really don't give a rats ass...I probably donate to your cause, or pay for your groceries if I see you're coming up short in the checkout line...but don't tell me you're entitled to the same things I am because you weren't willing to do the same things I was. What you are entitled to are capitalizing on opportunities and work ethic.

/Gets off soap box.
So what about those tires? Can you give me a better deal because I'm poor?

I think you are confusing taxes and healthcare ( a service or good) I agree that everyone should have the same tax rate. But to say that everyone should pay the same percent of their worth for goods and services is crazy. Though I would love to have some new 35" km2's for my 4runner for around $300 since goods and services should be based on my income.
America would be a third world country if everyone had the same outlook on the low income families as you do. ?

Doubtful...more likely the case that if 'the rich' weren't being taxed so heavily as is, they'd redistribute their cash anyway, the way they see fit, the way it should be. It's called philanthropy.

With out teachers and coaches you yourselves would be poor. You had help , others deserve the same. Your attiudes are disgusting.?

Please tell me who in America doesn't have access to teachers and coaches??? That's my main point, I've been as poor as anybody, and utilized those teachers and coaches...just like anyone can.

You say the poor are bitching for not having had outs. this is about who is paying..?

Right...and I shouldn't have to pay for the poor or offset the poor because they weren't willing to make the same sacrifices I did with the same exact tools they had.

Why the fuck should a 37 year old with a wife and two kids pay 122$ per person. While a single person 25 y/o is paying 322 a person..?..?

I'm not sure what this means. As a task for my job, I see exactly what everyone pays for insurance, what coverage they have and how much they get paid. I've never seen a single person pay more per person for the same coverage unless the company decides to pro-rate single/couple/family plans differently.

Your logic is blind. ..?

It's not blind, it's just not some pansy assed, kumbaya singing, hand holding, bull shit. Simply put, you want something, or want a better life, work for it.

I make less income and get less service for a higher price. ?

And that's the beauty of this country, you're not stuck making less income, work harder, get a different job, sell cocaine and blowjobs for all I care...no one has a gun to your head to stay in your current situation.

Because you worked sooooo hard to afford to shit on the poor ?

I have $1000 PER PAYCHECK that the feds take out that say the poor are benefiting pretty well from me working so hard too. Not to mention the $500-1000/mo I donate to the less fortunate. I'd say 2k/mo not going in my pocket is treating some family pretty doggon well.
...With out teachers and coaches you yourselves would be poor. You had help , others deserve the same. Your attiudes are disgusting...

We have already received all that we are entitled too, a chance. Thats it. I beleive that we have all had pretty much the same opportunities growing up. The law requires us all to get the same amount of education, loans and grants are in place for those that want more.
America would be a third world country if everyone had the same outlook on the low income families as you do.

With out teachers and coaches you yourselves would be poor. You had help , others deserve the same. Your attiudes are disgusting.

You say the poor are bitching for not having had outs. this is about who is paying.

Why the fuck should a 37 year old with a wife and two kids pay 122$ per person. While a single person 25 y/o is paying 322 a person

Your logic is blind.

I make less income and get less service for a higher price.

Because you worked sooooo hard to afford to shit on the poor ?

I agree with your statement that we were all taught by teachers. The difference is that some of us learned a lesson and some of us did not. Your not taking your age into consideration here. You are in the highest risk category here which is why your healthcare is higher per capita than a 37 y/o with kids. How does what someone else make affect you in any way? Thats the most assinine statement ever. That's like saying I drive a Jeep because Joe Bob drives a Mercedes. I do not understand your logic. It would help your cause if you would argue your point in clear, concise statements called paragraphs.
America would be a third world country if everyone had the same outlook on the low income families as you do.

With out teachers and coaches you yourselves would be poor. You had help , others deserve the same. Your attiudes are disgusting.

You say the poor are bitching for not having had outs. this is about who is paying.

Why the fuck should a 37 year old with a wife and two kids pay 122$ per person. While a single person 25 y/o is paying 322 a person

Your logic is blind.

I make less income and get less service for a higher price.

Because you worked sooooo hard to afford to shit on the poor ?
Please show me where I can get insurance for myself much less my son for $122 per person. I pay right at $1150 month for me, my wife and 3 kids. It went up $300 month this year and deductible also doubled to keep the premium from doubling. We could get a cheaper insurance or risk not having it, but me owning my own business the later in not an option. The we pay cash works for us on office visits and my weekly chiropractor visits but the ct scan for my son was turned in because it was $2300..... so I do opt for insurance but thats what it is....INSURANCE, same as with my car, I am playing the odds vs rolling the dice if something bad happens. A body shop will do a job cheaper also if you pay cash, so is full coverage and car insurance in general a waste?

I think insurance and health care are getting confused here.....
I think we all can agree that insurance is too high. The argument here (and nationwide) is how/what to do about it.

I was going to chime in that my premium for myself (37) and my wife (26) is only $245 a month; but then I noticed that my paycheck has a new column this year for "employer paid benefits". My employer is chipping in the additional $763 per month to help pay for my coverage. Something else for you to consider....
I think we all can agree that insurance is too high. The argument here (and nationwide) is how/what to do about it.

I was going to chime in that my premium for myself (37) and my wife (26) is only $245 a month; but then I noticed that my paycheck has a new column this year for "employer paid benefits". My employer is chipping in the additional $763 per month to help pay for my coverage. Something else for you to consider....

I wouldn't even say that it's too expensive. Again, I oversee all insurance transactions for my company, the cheapest coverage is $600/mo (single person) and the most is $1600/mo (family) and anything in between. We have was is considered a 'gold plan' by the administration and is 'so good' we're actually going to get fined for it. Now if you figure average cost is in the $1000/mo range, if you paid that entire amount (which most people don't) for your adult life, figure 60 years...that's only $720k. Tell me how much out of pocket it would be for cancer treatments or a helicopter ride, etc etc...720k is starting to sound pretty damn fair to me...you could eat up that 720k in a couple months.
I agree with all 5 points , if you can work you should work but that does not mean its avaliable life ain't that peachy

If you have 5 million and you can afford to pay.medical bills you should either pay the same % as the poor , or not be allowed insurance.

Greed .. its not that hard.

You have the money yet you have insurance which is a system set up for who can NOT afford it

Using a hand out when you don't need it.

To me that's disgusting , that you think a poor struggling mom should have to pay everything she has for insurance yet.... When rich have the money ,they should get to.pay insurance and get out of bills they can afford.

The rich get WAY more handouts then welfare and foodstamps combined.

Do you really believe the crap your are infesting this thread with? I sure as hell hope not...

If so, its no wonder this country has gone to hell.