Outspoken to Strangers?

Speaking of which, I think I'm going to make up a new rule about non-supporting members and the number of active threads in General Chit Chat. :lol:

Now your using your head. Lol.

Realistically...I do enough dumb $#!T on my own...who am I to judge. There are enough folks trying to tell us what to do and regulate what we do...they have a mother, they don't need another one. They didn't need your help making the choices they did to get where they're at, they don't need your help now. They take the risk of getting a ticket for not being handicapped, or risk getting a fire hose through their busted windows. At the end of the day, don't throw stones if you live in a glass house...I'm sure there are enough hypotheticals that can make every one of us as bad as the parking offenders. I'm pretty even tempered, but the quickest for you to get decked is trying to reprimand me.

I consider myself pretty even tempered, in that I will never throw the first punch. If a physical altercation can be avoided then it should be in my eyes. However, if I am able to bait you into throwing that punch by using words... and I am pretty good at it... Then so be it. Haha.

I do plenty of dumb shit, and if I get called on it, I usually say "Ya caught me, I wasn't thinking" depending how it was gone about. I have had guys come up and curse at me for whipping into parking spaces "too fast" and general jackassery since I was a kid so its bound to come full circle eventually.
Yeah...my last line was pretty strong...if I legitimately didn't know, fine...I'll take it as a learning experience. If I'm legitimately in the wrong, you got me. If you're just trying to be a badass or play hall monitor, hope you packed a lunch.
Well if I've got pants on I have a gun on me. I carry for protection. Best way to avoid needing protection is to avoid confrontation. Too many people start carrying a gun and think they can run off at the mouth Cuz they be packin. Can't stand somebody that pulls a gun as a scare tactic. If you pull a gun on me you better be ready to use it. And hope its made of chocolate because I'm gonna make you eat it.

Just curious, but who nominated you for world police?

If someone does not know the law, that may be one thing to "educate" them... most people who do such things don't care. You 'educating' them is either going to start a fight or they will just ignore you. Either way, you've wasted your precious time on being pissed about some dumb asshole when you could be doing something way more valuable to your personal growth/fun/income-production.

Speaking of which, I think I'm going to make up a new rule about non-supporting members and the number of active threads in General Chit Chat.

I used to not really care that much, but since my BIL is now in a wheelchair paralyzed from the belly button down, I care. I have seen him have to park in the back of a parking lot so he wont get his door blocked because lazy assholes are parked in the spots he needs. If he parks in a regular spot and somebody park next to his driver door, he just has to wait however long until they get back. I have contemplated carrying a sharpie and leaving a note on the offending party's windshield.
It bothers me when people park in handicap spots that don't need it. I have family and friends that need the space.
One example. My buddy's dad has a muscle disease (I can never remember the name). He has hand controls in his tacoma and has a scooter to get around. One evening we were meeting him at a Mexican restaurant and this lady, with her teenage kids, whipped in the only posted handicap spot, hung her tag up and got out. Now my buddy's dad gets there and we have to carry his scooter to the sidewalk and help him up the curb so he can get on his scooter. Best part. Lady was seated at the front window, me and my buddy got to stare at her during the whole ordeal. I gave her a sarcastic thumbs up as we walked in. She wouldn't look our direction the whole meal.
If someone does not know the law, that may be one thing to "educate" them... most people who do such things don't care. You 'educating' them is either going to start a fight or they will just ignore you. Either way, you've wasted your precious time on being pissed about some dumb asshole when you could be doing something way more valuable to your personal growth/fun/income-production.

My wife has become quite vocal toward folks speeding down the main street of our subdivision, in the AM she and our daughter are at the stop sign at the end of our street waiting for school bus.

Speed limit is 25mph, main road is about a mile long, average speed passing our street is well over 40mph in either direction. Wife hollers at them to slow down, a few have stopped and cussed her, telling her to mind her business. Well, she is, her kid is waiting for a school bus, you are driving in an unsafe manner, this endangers her child.

There have been a few times when folks actually drag race or pass the school bus as it is coming to a stop so as not to have to wait those precious few seconds for the stop to occur. , not just at our street, but others down the way.

Bus is here same time every school day, time your trip according if you're in that much of a hurry !

She has talked to a deputy about this, and apparently there is some sort of task force that handle this sort of thing, they must be busy somewhere else.

I suspect as with most things in JoCo, there will be no response until someone is hurt/killed or some sort of property damage occurs that forces a response.
I live in a cul-de-sac, and when vehicles I don't know, or very fast moving vehicles come down to turn around I will go into the road and ask them if I can help them find their destination.

Or just yell, "SLOW THE F#$%K DOWN" from my yard. sometimes I get a fingure out the window, most times they slow.
Speaking of which, I think I'm going to make up a new rule about non-supporting members and the number of active threads in General Chit Chat.:lol:
Burn :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

About 3/4 years ago we were at the Harlan race and was at white tail tryin to work our way back to the other side off the park.We were stopped at a check point waitin on traffic to clear and some guys on atv's were there also and about every other word was the f bomb.I called them out on it since there was kids around (namely mine) and w the exception of one they shut up.One dude just kept going on and on and things were gettin heated.I think the guy who had us stopped was seein things were escalating and let us go on thru.The last time we were at harlan we were at the top of grapevine and there was a buttload of miller lite cans threw over the bank.Dude was walkin around w one in a coozie and I said something to him about all the cans and he said they were not his and I was crazy as hell if I thought he was gonna pick em up.
Just carry some sidewalk chalk and have some fun!


I love how that guy parked in 4 spaces and still folds his mirrors in.
My wife has become quite vocal toward folks speeding down the main street of our subdivision, in the AM she and our daughter are at the stop sign at the end of our street waiting for school bus.

Speed limit is 25mph, main road is about a mile long, average speed passing our street is well over 40mph in either direction. Wife hollers at them to slow down, a few have stopped and cussed her, telling her to mind her business. Well, she is, her kid is waiting for a school bus, you are driving in an unsafe manner, this endangers her child.

This used to happen at my moms house, and I have a much younger sister. There was a downhill right after our house and people always flew... We used to sit construction cones a few feet into the down hill and cars coming would be hauling, not see the cones because of the grade, and get them wedged under the bumper and have to pull over. That was always funny. If you were going slow... you were fine. Speeding, you never saw it in time.
I was at a Small civil war reenactment. It was on some back country road with a posted 40mph speed limit. This day there were signs up to drive cautiously Event signs. people park on both sides of the roads, there are kids running around, people picnicking just off the road side. Big family event. you get the picture and have probably been to a few. Some asshat in a Dodge Cummins drives by accelerating at about 60 and getting faster. Probably hit about 80 by the time he was past. Everyone was annoyed and no one was impressed. A few minutes later here he comes again. All I was armed with was a rather tasty Sausage dog covered in onions and mustard. So I threw it at his ass as he passed by. He slowed down and never came back. Maybe the jokes on me cause I wanted that last bite or two of sausage dog. :mad:
25 mph is rediculous anywhere.

It's a road , teach your kids that its a road meant for driving on not playing on.

When I see kids playing in a road all I can think is how shitty of parents they have.

Sorry if your offended but that's reality. Neighborhood or not.

On the stop sign if you ome up to aa 4 way stop and no one is around do you fully stop and look both ways or make like Alabama and Roll On?

I'm all for following laws for the betterment of society, but I am alos capable of using sound judgement on when I can make a call.

On the fire lane , are you talking parking , the driver getting out and going in or pulling up front and letting a passenger out?
Techincally the 2nd option is called standing and not parking. As long as the driver is in the vehiccle and it is cranked it is not in fact illegal. Lazy as fuck? sure. illegal? no.

Exact mentality that gets a lot of motorcycle riders killed
25 mph is rediculous anywhere.

It's a road , teach your kids that its a road meant for driving on not playing on.

When I see kids playing in a road all I can think is how shitty of parents they have.

Sorry if your offended but that's reality. Neighborhood or not.

Actually it is pretty standard in most subdivisions, and is MORE than adequate in a residential area. And just because you had a shitty childhood and couldn't play in the street doesn't mean those parents that do let their children play on a residential street are shitty parents.

Lol I could of played in the street but my parents taught me not to be a dipshit.

And it absolutely means they are shitty.

It's a road. Not a gym.
Cars backing out need to watch the road. Cars pulling in need to watch for right of way , people checking their mail shouldn't jump into a road while cars are coming.

It's common sense.

Good one Duane , that's a great comeback

Goodluck depending on others to teach your kids. Like the rest of this lazy country.
Lol I could of played in the street but my parents taught me not to be a dipshit.

And it absolutely means they are shitty.

It's a road. Not a gym.
It's a road AND a pedestrian right of way. There are no sidewalks, and walking from yard to yard is damn near not possible for a lot of folks

25mph is a standard in most residential neighborhood

Just reading many of your posts tells a lot about your attitude toward others and life in general, cheer up bro, we're all stuck in this cesspool together !
25 mph is rediculous anywhere.

It's a road , teach your kids that its a road meant for driving on not playing on.

When I see kids playing in a road all I can think is how shitty of parents they have.

Sorry if your offended but that's reality. Neighborhood or not.


I grew up in the sticks you didnt go in the street because well there was nothing to do there.

I live on a cul-de-sac the entire road is 1/4 mile long. Speed limit is 25. You do realize the road is equally built for cars, and pedestrians and bicycles right?

My kids walk and ride their bikes in the road. I have two very well behaved and well mannered kids and I am actually a very good parent.

I have however thrown a baseball bat, not a baseball a baseball bat, at a former neighbor who used to get up to nearly 40 in that quarter mile.

I smild and told the cop I was walking abck across the road and got scared and evaded the vehicle and didnt realize the bat had left my hands. She was ticketed for driving too fast for conditions and given a warning for reckless driving...

your results may vary.
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Exact mentality that gets a lot of motorcycle riders killed

Not sure I understand. If a motorcycle rider is obeying the laws and speed limits there is no difference in my actions than if they were driving a car.

What I see gets most motorcycle riders killed is their own personal blatant disregard for the law, riding 2 or 3 wide or well over the speed limit then blaming others for not "looking twice"...Now merge on accidents are real and not a riders fault. But if they are riding "as far right as possible" as required by state law then they have more time to react and evade.
Cars backing out need to watch the road. Cars pulling in need to watch for right of way , people checking their mail shouldn't jump into a road while cars are coming.

It's common sense.

Good one Duane , that's a great comeback

Goodluck depending on others to teach your kids. Like the rest of this lazy country.

Hey, you leave a door that wide open and I will be the asshole to walk through it. And I don't have children yet, but you can best believe they will be brought up the right way, and that will include street hockey if I ever move to a neighborhood.

It's a equally built for Getting from point a to b.
Not for playing.

Again so since Cory only uses it for driving, everyone else must only use it for driving despite what the stated intent of the road is.

Im checking out this is the damn insurance thread all over again.

Your stance is:
"I dont care about the entire country, or about avergaes, or about society only what I think and what effects me"

I got it. you can win.