Panty Soaker 5000 - C3 Stingray LS Swap Blower Build

Gets tight quick. I bet your gonna make some purists pissed lol 😂


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Gets tight quick. I bet your gonna make some purists pissed lol 😂

Haha I can already see it will be. I’m planning to put them in the fenders down low by the firewall. Gutting the windshield washer pump (it’s a shit system anyways, useless) and the charcoal canister on the D side, and the other ripping out the heater blower and AC (which are both mounted engine bay side). One day when I’m ready to add those again I’ll do an electric compressor and a mini Mojave heater core or something and make it all dash hidden
your gonna make some purists pissed lol 😂

It’s a completely restored numbers matching one year C3 😂😂

I should make it a YouTube to capture all the negative attention! Even negative views are still PAID views lol

At least I’m doing nicely. No hack job - the only cut I plan to make is crossmember if needed. And that could easily be swapped with a junkyard one if it got returned to stock. Gunna put the motor and trans in a crate and store it at work warehouse
It’s a completely restored numbers matching one year C3 😂😂

I should make it a YouTube to capture all the negative attention! Even negative views are still PAID views lol

At least I’m doing nicely. No hack job - the only cut I plan to make is crossmember if needed. And that could easily be swapped with a junkyard one if it got returned to stock. Gunna put the motor and trans in a crate and store it at work warehouse
Yea my impala rolls boomers heads. Literally had one about ready to fight me at the show in Myrtle last year. For ruining a 60 impala. lol 😂
Pan on
Struggled with pickup tube causing pan alignment issues. Hopefully good enough for bellhousing



One header and the z bar removed. Lots of little other misc items as well

I gotta say
The header, zbar, power steer lines was a jungle gym. No one of them could be removed without the other being removed.
Had to jiggle my in there -thats what she said

Gunna have to pull oil dipstick tube to get the header out. It does *not* spark Joy

Already started mapping out turbo placement

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How to build them.

Can you point me in a direction to better understand the internals. Can’t simply google Dana 44 lol. Guess I’m lacking nomenclature

It appears the axle shafts are 30 spline? Or maybe it’s the pinion yoke which is 30 and the shafts are 17? :facepalm:
Can you point me in a direction to better understand the internals. Can’t simply google Dana 44 lol. Guess I’m lacking nomenclature

It appears the axle shafts are 30 spline? Or maybe it’s the pinion yoke which is 30 and the shafts are 17? :facepalm:
Sorry man, I don't have that sort of reference.
I can rebuild them however, done a couple a few years ago.
Sorry man, I don't have that sort of reference.
I can rebuild them however, done a couple a few years ago.

Well there seems to be no uniform nomenclature for early model eaton irs diffs.
Best I can tell is its a 30 spline pinion, and 17 spline on the shafts
1310 ujoints

Just gunna leave it stock until ready to do a 9in IRS swap
Got most everything else on order:
Sidepipes (modify to receive 3in down pipe from turbos)
>-Going to cut the primaries and reroute them into a collector
Fuel system (radium surge, hellcat pump, walbro feeder, holley boost ref regulator)
Wastegates and Bov
Tomorrow going to finish getting the motor/trans 100% ready to pull. Then ill move on to making the mod to stock fuel tank and determining walbro and filter mount locations for feeder
(waiting on a beer buddy day to pull it)

So then will move on to stripping the interior this weekend:
First order will be OE harness removal, then modifying the clutch pedal for a in dash master cylinder mounting, floor coat + dyno mat

Note living rent free in my head: At some point going to have to find a clean way to "delete" the stock exhaust cutouts in the bumper. Currently my train of thought is to pull the bezel, make a mold, and look into making a carbon fiber housing for a additional reverse light?


Note living rent free in my head: At some point going to have to find a clean way to "delete" the stock exhaust cutouts in the bumper. Currently my train of thought is to pull the bezel, make a mold, and look into making a carbon fiber housing for an additional reverse light?
If you do that, it might look cool to replace the factory reverse lights with red lenses, so you have 4 round red tail lights
Took longer to get the Amazon cradle bolted to the engine then it did to pull it lmao

Feels so good to have an empty engine bay. Now I can proceed with removing everything else much more easier



Went ahead and did a reverse lockout delete on the t56 after weighing all pros and cons. I did put a specific spring in it to help it work better with the short shift


Got the AC box and blower motor out. And got the cab plenum box removed. With the extra space was able to tackle the engine bay harness which is now completely removed without cutting a single wire.

