Bought a 40ft hi-cube container for storage of my tractor, and to keep my shop clutter down.
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Needed shelving
Thought about used pallet racks down one side. 36" or maybe 42" But the only thing that came in less than 12ft high was 36" with 9ft beams.
Asked around and found forsyth mechanical in Winston was closing up shop. Owner is 73 and ready to chill. Apparently he had butt-tons of "shelving" from renovation of all the JC penny stores across the country.
36", 30", 24" , 15" and 12" and all are 48" sections. Most 12ft tall but WOOD, so they can be easily cut.
I scored 145 shelves that are 48" wide and 30" deep with 10ft uprights.
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I had to cut 12" off the bottom, and relocate the bottom support on all the uprights
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Started lining one side with shelving only at the supports for now
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But the uprights have anchor points for shelving every 1-1/2" so your shelving options are nearly limitless
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It took all day saturday, but I finally got all the uprights set, and shelves on every support beam
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And then saturday night I see the gardening tool organizer thread and decide now's the time to get THAT organized as well
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and room for the tractor
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