prayers and thoughts needed

Sorry to hear this man, ill say a prayer for the family
Sorry for your loss bro.
SO Sorry, Dylan! Tragic loss! Along with the news, of the two missing teens, that were headed to Myrtle Beach, found drowned, in their car-accident!
What a Tragic weekend! Thoughts & prayers, for ALL!:(
Hate to hear this Dylan. Hope his friends learn from his mistakes. Good friend of mine just lost his 16yr old daughter this past tuesday, alot of questions that will never be answered.
Sorry for your loss man, losing family is not easy. Hopefully this will raise some awareness to the younger generations how dangerous drugs are.

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RIP sorry man this is truely sad. Drugs do horrieble things.
Ive had several friends die from drug overdose, it never gets easier. Sorry for your loss.
So sad to hear about this. I hope the parents are not beating themselves up or feeling responsible, teens can be pretty sneaky and determined when it comes to peer pressure and experimenting w drugs/drinking, (BTDT). The week before last, a local teen died after taking some acid evedently bought on the internet. Way more dangerous/deadly drugs these days than when I was a kid.
Sorry to hear Dylan. He feels no pain in the better place he is in now. Be strong for the family and if anyone needs anything, you have my number.
Just read your edit, sorry to hear this Dylan.
Man on Saturday when people said you left for a family emergency I had no idea.. so sorry to hear this tragic end..
man, really sorry for your loss. It's tragic to hear of life being cut so short because of a bad decision. My prayers are with you and your family