Random pic thread.

Happy birthday Jasper! #6 and going strong
I hate to be a dick...but I guess stick to your talents, right...
Shouldn't they have put it in one of the normal parking spots instead of occupying one of the veterans spots?
Veterans will gladly park further away for this memorial for our fallen brothers and sisters.
Certainly, but that's not my point.

Sorry, ill try to be less un-American next time.
It's not about being un-American. I understand what you were saying. Its just that sometimes we (veterans) will buy a glass of beer just to sit it in front of an empty seat next to us while we drink our own beside it. It's that kind of thing.
I put new tires on my SM XR650R so I wouldn’t fall down and guess what I frickin felt [emoji35] I wasn’t even going fast on the road just went for a spin around the hood to get some fresh air and boom here I was on the ground. I didn’t even think it was broken that’s how slow I was going trying to break my new tires. Good that I didn’t leave my helmet at home which I some times do [emoji16], after 2 days of pain I decided to go to the ER and sure it was a Bennett fracture [emoji35] but it didn’t leave me off my bike at all [emoji16][emoji16][emoji1787]
It had been 4 weeks already so Tuesday I will go back to see if I can get this cast off for once at all.
On top of that a week before I did a
wheelie that went wrong and here I go to the ground, I pulled my ham string so bad I couldn’t walk for a week and then my arm. Should I just stay home and not go riding this year or should I get some new riding gear?
Guess what I ordered new helmet new riding suit and new gloves [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]





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It's your bodies way of telling you that you're getting old...those falls would have barely hurt when we were younger, but past 50 they really leave a hurting!

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It's your bodies way of telling you that you're getting old...those falls would have barely hurt when we were younger, but past 50 they really leave a hurting!

I was thinking about that while working in the shop this morning. After 50, if you drop a wrench on the floor, you just wait until you drop something else to make the pain to pick it up worthwhile. A buddy says that after 60, you drop a lot of stuff, well, just because you drop a lot of stuff.
Lol!! Well is not like hurt or doesn’t it just the fact that broken bones are more work to get back muscles working again, it’s not like I had any previous experience with broken bones since I never broke them before in my entire life, so I can’t compare if any different back them and now [emoji16][emoji16]

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Yesterday, at Harbor Freight, when I got there, a "good ol boy" with his own style rig. Roof rack, spare tire, shovel, high lift, & "fuzzy toy"[?], along with other goodies.
When I left, this expensive toy, was out there! Camera color is off, but I call it Burnt Orange!


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I was thinking about that while working in the shop this morning. After 50, if you drop a wrench on the floor, you just wait until you drop something else to make the pain to pick it up worthwhile. A buddy says that after 60, you drop a lot of stuff, well, just because you drop a lot of stuff.
This must be why my FIL has no floor space in a 6 bay garage. I think he is about 80, every damn thing and multiples of everything are in the floor!
What's the status of the rest of the shop? Have you started moving in yet?
I wish. We set a record in April for rainfall. It has been staying a mud pit. We got 4.5 inches last week and alittle over 2 inches last night. :( Next week is supposed to be nice so hopefully it can dry out and we can start forming up the inside for concrete.
Actually it should be reported to the company. Coaching someone to be safe is never a douche move. What if you saw someone doing something dangerous, decided not to say anything, and they got hurt or worse because of it. I work for the power company, and it is engrained in us from day 1.

This is true. Power company guys put on their hi-viz vests, glasses, and hard hats before going in McDonald's for lunch. Also chock the tires and put road cones around the truck.
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