Random pic thread.

People have made him out to be bigger than he was. There are many others that were smart enough to make it better, make more of it and not get caught. Those guys are heros.

Popcorn is not my hero for his moonshining skills or the fact he was caught, but more on the "I dont give a damn" way he lived his life.
he put on a good show on the video I'll agree but I don't think he's all that. I've had family that knew him and listened to their stories. I guess he's one of those guys you either like or don't.

He was a show. He was half full of shit. He also was very funny and a easy going guy, at least the one time I got to buy him a beer. He drove that old Ford from Maggie to Black Mountain and would unload booze on Cherry Street, coveralls and the whole nine. He really didn't give a $hit about who saw or what happened. That was his problem. Real shiners don't publicize their illicite activities and just stack up cash under the radar; and they make better booze.
And now my reason for checking this thread....

Toyota, I love what you do for me...

Yep the Caldwell boys are Spartanburg natives. The shop where the Bus stays at though is in Gaffney. And for that matter the farm is in Cherokee county as well.
Saw this on the interwebs... Couldn't help but wonder if it resides in Boone, NC and is the creation of a former member on here...

OK......will it get there?? :driver::D

I wouldn't want to try ! Our '11 SE is spec'ed for "V" rated tires (149mph), no way in hell I'd even try it,

but these guys did.... looks like it hit 130 down hill.

I'm too cheap to keep buying high speed tires, so ours has been shod with H rated rubber, still rides smooth, tires might actually last 60k