Random pic thread.

I actually HATE those 87-91 Fords. The only redeeming thing about them, is that if you can source a 92-97 front clip, it will bolt right up :huggy:
Isnt it 88?

The first vehicle I bought myself was an 87 stepside and it had the old front clip and the "old" dash with the long turn signal indicators above the guage cluster

I thought 88 was the redesign and then 97 was the next?

But "Im not the ford guy"
Ok that was a 5 minute rabbit hole.

Now Ive got some research to see if I can dig up old titles...

I swear it was an 87 I had. But it definitely had the square non wrap headlights and a chain bed closure.
I totaled that truck when I was 15. A girl hit me in the driver door from behind while I was making a left hand turn and I was found at fault.
Now I need extra phases
If you decide on a RPC I recommend American Rotary. Awesome company.
I second that.....I'm looking for a mill and lathe in my budget range.
I've been reading up on them a bit. How are you planning on sizing it? Be sure to do a write up on it when you put it all together. I'd like to do something to test and run little <5hp motors and equipment in my shop. We almost had them run 3ph when we built it (we have it everywhere else on the property) but didn't see a need for the extra cost. Wish we had now. :rolleyes:
I second that.....I'm looking for a mill and lathe in my budget range.
5k for either or.....preferable spread over a time period. One of them, then the other.
I would gladly pay less but don't want junk that is disappointing to use. Definately don't need high production.

The short version: I'm really not sure what the market is like. Don't watch it real close.
I second that.....I'm looking for a mill and lathe in my budget range.

How big is the Monarch?
Lathe is a 1943 Monarch 16CY (18.5” swing), 32” length between centers, taper attachment, steady rests, carriage stop, good condition, 7.5 hp, 4500 lbs, *$4000*

Mill is a 1983 Supermax horizontal / vertical, 40 taper spindles, powerfeeds & rapids on all axis, 5 hp *$6000*

I can vouch for this equipment. He only buys nice stuff, and then takes really good care of it and gets everything in optimal condition. He completely rebuilt the taper attachment on the lathe and it was as good or better than new when he got done with it.