Random pic thread.

No crap...and I hate BEING that guy to them! But when the plans, specs, and 3 different details specifically outline 4" individual connections to the branch, and you install 3" stack san tee's into a 3" combo when it should have been a flat 4" combo into a 4" branch... 48 times.....well, shit's on you to read

There's a reason these guys were $54k LOW on this job

Holy shit sucks for them.
So what is it for?
I just learned that if you hover your mouse over your avatar on a thread it will show you how many posts you have in that thread. Neato


Anyway.. back to @CasterTroy shit palace.
I broke in the new leaf burner the other night.It was way better than raking the leaves onto a big tarp and dragging them to the backyard again and again....

I used a 4' wide plastic rake upside down to scoop up leaves from the piles and carry and drop them into the barrel,30 secs. or so and another load.
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Yeah, I was shocked how bad they looked. Might end up trying to find an old television to play them on. This was just a TV I already had.
I think this is half bc the old CRTs were blurry and natively low res, and half pychological... back then the standard if wgat was "amazing" was so much lower.
My PS2 on my several year old walmart special Sanyo TV isn't terrible. It is noticeably worse than it looks on my even older CRT tv, but is still enjoyable. I have my N64 here but all the games are somewhere at my parents house and I can't find them.
