Random pic thread.

Hory shite! That storm got rough in a hurry.

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Rag joints....I've torn more than one out. Mud flaps are a good fix for them. Super beefy and about the right thickness. That or go to a u-joint style and never look back.

My first trip to harlan I lost one in the lower rock garden.Should have took it as a sign.

I had my warning 10 years ago, riding in an old 70's dump truck with a buddy. One bolt broke, so it would pop in and out on turns. We were almost home (with full load of gravel, so didn't bother to look until we were in the driveway. So...when that happened, knowing that the 715 was forty-some years old, and didn't want to have the same experience, I ordered a new Borgeson ujoint style shaft. And never got around to putting it in. Guess it's at the top of the list now.
Mine broke about 30 mins after we got our tent set up at the campground behind dairy hut.I was about out of the lower rock garden when it broke.Winched me over to a shady spot and off to town we go.While we were gone Tonya got stung twice and Jake once by yellow jackets.Finally got back to the campground and Tonya about broke her ankle when she stepped out on a rock that rolled w her.She got a month of physical therapy outta that one.Second day broke 3 of the four bolts holding the steering box on.No trailer or tow rig-we had drove it to Harlan.Really had 2nd thoughts after that trip.
To live in a mansion in a prestigious gated community, your yard is a wreck.
The gardener has been off. Probably coming back from Guadalajara with a fresh batch of the Covid. I'll make sure to tell him that people are starting to notice.
Mowing crew working in our area parked their stuff at my dads shop. Three more of these rigs off camera. Of course bossman gotta go inspect the equipment.

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I've always thought that would be a pretty cool job. I imagine the "cool" part would wear off pretty quick, but going offroading in someone else's tractor all day and having a tangible output at the end of the day can't be too bad.
I've always thought that would be a pretty cool job. I imagine the "cool" part would wear off pretty quick, but going offroading in someone else's tractor all day and having a tangible output at the end of the day can't be too bad.
Same here. I often wish I could just jump around to different jobs just for the experience. There’s something about mowing / bush hogging that is so relaxing to me. Spent my youth doing that on the family farm. Don’t want to do it every day but every now and then …
Every time I pass those guys I think "fuck what a pain life job" . They're also always following behind another mower with no cab or AC breathing in dirt 8 hrs a day. Sweet tractors but damn, get those guys a cab.
Three of the tractors had missing or bent exhaust stacks, and one had a “custom” diamond plate roof skin. I’d be curious to see how long a cab would survive.

I imagine after hours goes something like this...
racing tractor GIF
Three of the tractors had missing or bent exhaust stacks, and one had a “custom” diamond plate roof skin. I’d be curious to see how long a cab would survive.

I imagine after hours goes something like this...
racing tractor GIF
I’ve seen many of those tractors with wheels off (involuntarily) front axle wiped out from under, the flail mower that is supposed to side raise and lower vertically swung to the back with a puddle of hydraulic fluid under it… those machines aren’t treated well. And bandaid and bailing wired repaired to get to the next pickup point.
I can’t imagine having a anything more than a canopy lasting longer than a few days with out a full mesh cage surrounding them. And even that might cause more issues than it solves.
Have I mentioned I hate yellow jackets. Knocked down this wasp nest 30 minutes prior, and the little jerks were already scavenging on it.
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These guys have been bad this year, the ground wasps are also in full effect.....after using two cans of "foaming ground wasp kill"......and watching the buggers still fly in and out like nothing.....I broke out the brake clean.....nest is dead, grass is dead.....not sure if I caused a problem or discovered a replacement for round-up ground clear!
These guys have been bad this year, the ground wasps are also in full effect.....after using two cans of "foaming ground wasp kill"......and watching the buggers still fly in and out like nothing.....I broke out the brake clean.....nest is dead, grass is dead.....not sure if I caused a problem or discovered a replacement for round-up ground clear!
BrakeClean always wins!!!
These guys have been bad this year, the ground wasps are also in full effect.....after using two cans of "foaming ground wasp kill"......and watching the buggers still fly in and out like nothing.....I broke out the brake clean.....nest is dead, grass is dead.....not sure if I caused a problem or discovered a replacement for round-up ground clear!
For ground wasps and yellow jackets in the ground, wait til night. Bring a cinder block or something to cover the hole and a 5g bucket of soapy water with Bayer Complete or Spectracide concentrate mixed at the appropriate level. Pour in bucket, they’ll all be in there asleep, and cover with the block.

They’ll be dead after 24 hours but your grass will be fine.
For ground wasps and yellow jackets in the ground, wait til night. Bring a cinder block or something to cover the hole and a 5g bucket of soapy water with Bayer Complete or Spectracide concentrate mixed at the appropriate level. Pour in bucket, they’ll all be in there asleep, and cover with the block.

They’ll be dead after 24 hours but your grass will be fine.
@mommucked told about my favorite way ever!! Just sit a big ole shop fan by the nest and turn it on high. It knocks they little brains out when they comes out the hole for to murder!!!
For ground wasps and yellow jackets in the ground, wait til night. Bring a cinder block or something to cover the hole and a 5g bucket of soapy water with Bayer Complete or Spectracide concentrate mixed at the appropriate level. Pour in bucket, they’ll all be in there asleep, and cover with the block.

They’ll be dead after 24 hours but your grass will be fine.
I much prefer waiting til night, pour 5 gallons of gas down the hatch and light it.
@mommucked told about my favorite way ever!! Just sit a big ole shop fan by the nest and turn it on high. It knocks they little brains out when they comes out the hole for to murder!!!

After being stung it was nice to sit in a chair, drinking beer and watching and hearing them getting sucked into the 30" shop fan and spit out on the ground. I've used the fan 4 times in years and we dont have many of those sobs today.

I was stung so many times by everything that can sting while i was surveying for 3 decades I cant take it no more. Been to the ER 3 times from reactions. I'm hard headed and I try to kill any stingy bug that gets near me, aint skeered just pissed off when a stingy,bitting bug gets near me.
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YouTube is a wash with people who cast the underground wasps nest with molten aluminum......it didn't make the to-do list this time around.....but it will be to-done at some point!
View attachment 352102Went cruising with my dad today in his all original 76. It’s got like 40k original miles. It’s tighter than newer cars. Four speed with working AC. I’m trying to soak up every chance I get with him. His health is declining (heart issues) and ain’t none of us getting any younger.
Great car.... but man is that front end a mile long.