Random pic thread.

SC Turkey season 4/1 - 5/1 EVERY YEAR
How in the hell did you... Nevermind, I don't wanna know :lol:
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It really didn't hurt, just had me in shock for a few minutes. A couple of beers got my head back on straight. Went to 3 emergency rooms before they would mess with it. It was all meat somehow, no bones, tendons, muscles, etc.
A buddy needed help to stand up a 36 foot long wall so I dropped by to help. There was only 3 of us. I was on one end, one on the other and one guy holding it from the bottom side with a long 2x4. I was totally stretched out holding wall with my belly and the 2x4 from ground with right hand. Had gun in left. When I nailed it, it did a double tap and put one thru the stud and one glanced off the stud and into my hand. Everybody freaked but me. I told them to finish the wall as I lowered the gun with the air hose and got down off of the 8' high cinder block wall.
After returning from emergency room, I rode my Harley home. :D
Those look about like the ones in my 05 Ram when I traded it in :lol:
Story was that the guy was travelling and had a noise, stopped by a box store mechanic shop on sunday and they told him he needed pads and rotors. It made it about 20 miles.....