Random pic thread.

@Jody Treadway

I didnt buy this machine brand new, but it was in pretty good shape when I got it. Trees and vines have broken off every mirror and light and mangled the sheetmetal under the cab, komatsu wants $1200 for that piece...so instead practicing my killdozer building skills before I get to that point.
I have a habit of if I need a tool during a project, I buy it in case I need it again. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it results in new in package tools in the box that never get used...
I have a habit of seeing a tool I want, creating a project for it, buying the tool, and then never finishing the project :lol:
My question is, why does your wife need a moisture meter? or has your Amazon skills given her plenty of ads to use to buy your gifts?
Could steer this in a lot of directions, but i'll stick to the truth. My wood is too wet for the stovepipe. It's causing drippy remnants on the outside.
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