Random pic thread.

Quite a bit, which is why I added the roller on the front of the tilt deck, and hydraulics to hold it up.
Which is where full tilt decks and winch mounted on the deck shine
I think the variants are like Pokémon and you gotta catch'em all. I've had the OG, Delta, and now Omicron. I figured I had Lambda too but my body is too cool to tell me.
Pssst...I thought you were joking...it's an oil temp gauge 🤣
We had a Mitsubishi Diamante (POS) my wife drove a few years. She called and said the battery light was on. I looked and confirmed. Took it to the service station. .........it was the washer fluid light. :dumbass: And that was 15 plus years ago when my eyesight was better. Lol