Random pic thread.

I work w a guy that looks just like that gnome and he quickly flips the bird about 2 or more times daily. I showed him the pic and asked If I could get a pic of him flipping the bird but he won't do it. I'm still trying.......


  • knon.jpg
    118.5 KB · Views: 78
Fear not! They have it zip tied down to the stand!
View attachment 377917
My first thought - if you were a Cummins employee on a Cummins dyno 'Today was your last day'

On second review maybe there is a chain port directly at the equipments 6 we cant see.
But dude in the photo needs to not be standing there
Imagine the scene when that thing slips and yeets right through the wall
So the backstory on that:
Some MEs at the plant I'm visiting called me over to design an adjustable stationary retaining block system to hold the hydraulic arms long enough to do their testing at max speed. Before I got there, they were booming down on the retainer block with enough pressure to lift the front end up enough to get the front tires off the ground and letting friction do it's thing. On the more powerful models it would try to "walk" the block and spin the rear out of control. So they had me design and build a stationary securement in place. I had no idea how reckless the testing process still is.
I did mention something about chaining the rear down to one of the MEs. His only response was, "well, no, because if the chain breaks it'll hurt someone". (Not that a piece of heavy equipment in full yeet, 4th gear unleashed would or anything... 😂)
The whole scene is kinda scary, but amazingly, engineer approved.