Random pic thread.

Its better to keep them out than to put them in. The less organic compounds in the mix the less methane and other gasses that are produced. It also reduces the amount of "fill". Read this article a while back....

Don't ave time to read through that right now, but are they saying that Organic waste mixed with non organic creates methane? Or just Organic waste itself creates methane?

just to keep things on track for random Pic thread...

Don't ave time to read through that right now, but are they saying that Organic waste mixed with non organic creates methane? Or just Organic waste itself creates methane?

just to keep things on track for random Pic thread...

View attachment 192391

From the article....

Organics wastes do not contain methane. It is only when they are placed in an anaerobic environment that methane is produced. Composting, while not perfectly aerobic, will generate very little, if any, methane. Composters work to maintain an aerobic environment in their piles. The very management parameters that make for good composting, like proper carbon:nitrogen ratio, adequate moisture and good airflow, also minimize methane generation.
From the article....

Organics wastes do not contain methane. It is only when they are placed in an anaerobic environment that methane is produced. Composting, while not perfectly aerobic, will generate very little, if any, methane. Composters work to maintain an aerobic environment in their piles. The very management parameters that make for good composting, like proper carbon:nitrogen ratio, adequate moisture and good airflow, also minimize methane generation.
o_O In that case... maybe they aren't the ones that are the Moron. Thanks..:(
Saw this jewel at "Da Walmarts" earlier.I cant for the life of me figure out whats suppose to be cool about cars w the tires laid in at the top.:shaking:

...........been there done that. One time I ran up a fully extended 28' ladder trying to pull up a cable before a car ran over it. The ladder started bouncing on the line that was 4' below the top of the ladder and the hooks ( I needed to reach a strand higher than the ladder would reach ). The weight of the cable I was lifting, the bouncing and the steepness of the ladder pulled me/ladder to the side and just before I could grab the upper line, about 30' now, I was falling over w the ladder twisting away from the wire. I rode the ladder about halfway and bailed into the overgrown easement grabbing/breaking some small trees on the way down, just some cuts and bruises. I got lucky I wasn't impaled by the sharp, snapped off young Poplars. This happened on the only day my girlfriend ever came to work w me............go figure.
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...........been there done that. One time I ran up a fully extended 28' ladder trying to pull up a cable before a car ran over it. The ladder started bouncing on the line that was 4' below the top of the ladder and the hooks ( I needed to reach a strand higher than the ladder would reach ). The weight of the cable I was lifting, the bouncing and the steepness of the ladder pulled me/ladder to the side and just before I could grab the upper line, about 30' now, I was falling over w the ladder twisting away from the wire. I rode the ladder about halfway and bailed into the overgrown easement grabbing/breaking some small trees on the way down, just some cuts and bruises. I got lucky I wasn't impaled by the sharp, snapped off young Poplars. This happened on the only day my girlfriend ever came to work w me............go figure.

see there is my reasoning!!!
Spent some time in the Big Easy this weekend. For anyone who has never been, take this pic to your local landfill and view, it will be like your there.
