Random pic thread.

But only 385k candlepower?
Those are rookie numbers.

I similarly was cleaning out some space on an old shelf and found this bad boy.
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Shoe for size comparison...
I'd put the KC 385k up against the Motortrend 15000k any day. Those KCs were still some of the brightest lights ive ever seen. But my gawd they got hot!
I am not proud of what I have done, and it may be borderline psychopathic, but I have been ducked three times in two days.

Duck me now, and your little duckling dies in front of his friends...

View attachment 400143

Looks like you hurt some feelings lol


Was just coming to post that. Apparently it's making the rounds on Facebook already.

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Yeah I saw it on MadRams page and was like hey I've seen that pic somewhere before. Some of the comments are hilarious.

Someone should explain to (I'm hoping) her that this ducking bullshit isn't the definition being a real jeeper.

I have owned multiple Jeeps for 40 years. Have about 400k miles behind the wheels of those Jeeps. Still working on becoming a real jeeper.

The duckies are a facebook thing, not a jeep thing.
Or I coulda said I don't own jeeps because I need someone else's approval
Got 1.75" today about lunch time. It had been over 2 weeks with no rain. The sky got the darkest I have ever seen for the middle of the day. It was eerie.
So….I think her husband used to be a member here back when…