Random pic thread.

Was soaked with sweat by 10:00 this morning. Called it a day around 12:30. This heat sucks!!
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1980s, I was 19/20 working on geo drill truck near Tabor City in a swamp in summer. It was hot 100/102' no wind about 5pm. My boss an I were taking down drill to leave to go the motel. I was hot an tired. My boss grabbed me an told me get some cool water and walk to a shade tree. I told him I was good. He Yelled! go sit down and I walked to the tree and passed out and hit the dirt. I woke up on the ground w my boss pouring water on me. I felt like I was beat with a base bat. I had cold shower at motel and and went to bed. For 2 days I was weak, uselees when it got hot.
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Weezer helping her daddy get the trailer ready for Good Evening Ranch today.
It’s a rental, just parked it in drive next to my Tacoma and it lashed out and mauled the mirror, it’ll buff…. But I’m parking it further away next time, FML

So, the wife an I were up at the local watering hole where we go every Friday afternoon lately. A place where there’s a few regulars and one in particular that is a local artist. He’s always working on something while sitting there having a drink and a bite to eat. Well, today he walked up and handed us a gesture drawing he did of us sitting at the bar.

When we left we went to the store and got a frame.
Since yall liked the deutz so much....

Got started on the old Farmall Super A this afternoon. Has fluids where it should and spins free by hand, just won't hit. Got cut short today, but when I'm back up there I'll start by cleaning the points.






Oh, and the boys are really lovin the deutz being home.




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Since yall liked the deutz so much....

Got started on the old Farmall Super A this afternoon. Has fluids where it should and spins free by hand, just won't hit. Got cut short today, but when I'm back up there I'll start by cleaning the points.

The best hunnert and a half you can spend -- go ahead and put the Petronix electronic kit on it.
The best hunnert and a half you can spend -- go ahead and put the Petronix electronic kit on it.

Idk man, the deutz was a dang good buy for the same price! I'll look into an ignition system. It's already 12v.
Idk man, the deutz was a dang good buy for the same price! I'll look into an ignition system. It's already 12v.
Pertronix replaces points….forever, works 6 or 12v
Baby girl stuff is taking over lol. This ain't all of it, and my wife is far from done lol. This is clothes premie-2T. Almost all yardsale stuff

I had to pack a return for Rockauto and didn't have any packing material to keep it from bouncing around. Looked into the trash can to see if I had thrown some out but saw these empty water bottles and used them.
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I can hear this picture