Random pic thread.

Our little special-needs kitty heard the back door open when I let the dog out and she wanted to go too.

Years ago one of the dairy farmers close to where I grew up had some bottom land that was on the creek and he always planted corn there to chop for silage.Year after year he would find pot planted in his corn and would call the sheriff.And every year they'd tear up his corn filed gettin it out.He finally stopped callin the law and if it was still there come choppin time it got chopped w the corn.
How many inches did you spray?
Supposed to be 1”, but most of it is closer to 1.5” with some areas being more like 2-3” :D

Quite the job just moving everything into the center of the shop.
For real. And it’s been like that since the third week of July because the first guy who was supposed to do it ghosted me!

Also sold a big shelf/storage unit, bandsaw, and hydraulic press that were shoehorned into the middle during this time :rolleyes:

With that said, I can strongly recommend Foam Insulation Company | Charlotte NC | Hunter Green Foam They did an awesome job. I contacted them last Wednesday night via email, he came out and did an onsite assessment on Thursday and quoted the job, then started first thing Monday morning and wrapped up midday today.
@jeepinmatt what does something like that cost? Do you know if it can be sprayed over the foil insulation that goes up on metal buildings?
Not sure about spraying over foil. I'm almost 100% sure it would stick, but I'd be concerned about how well the foil is attached.

First guy quoted me $3700 cash price and also never showed up. It was an over the phone quote based on the dimensions I gave him and he did not actually see it in person. He did my house back in 2019 and did a great job at a fair price, so I don't want to badmouth him. I'm guessing he was looking for a filler job on a slow week and the timing never worked out, but he should have communicated that instead of just not getting back to me.

Second guy who actually did the work was $5200. He knows the first guy and didn't have anything bad to say about guy #1 other than he is a smaller outfit so the overhead should be lower, but not that much lower, haha. Guy #2 said his COST for just material was $3800, plus about $900 for 3 guys for a day, so $5200 was the best he could do cash price.

Also got a third quote for $6200, but it was obviously higher, and they were 1-2 weeks out.