Random pic thread.

Wife and I stayed at my parents’ cabin last night near Jonas Ridge.
Took a walk this morning and saw this bear on the road. I’ve seen bear skat and bear scratching on trees up there, and caught one on a trail cam, but this was the first time I’ve seen it in person. It stopped and looked at us, then kept on its way.
I bought that 4x4 Massey that was on here a couple weeks ago, and dad doesn’t like it, so it’s for sale. I’ll make you a deal and solve your problem ;)
I did and did not need to read this. PM me this deal. Wasn't it at least 30hp-ish PTO power?
That’s approved to show my lack of quality! I don’t think they’ll rip off but I ain’t standing under a suspended load anytime soon.

I've seen worse.... But I think you have tge right idea with not standing under it!