Random pic thread.

heh, I've been grounded from Amazon for the time being.....
I got a picture of this guy wearing his favorite little black dress on Hanes Mill Road a few days ago .....


Looks legit to me. :confused:

Power Box on cord, I have no garage, only a large wooden floor shed, "don't weld in a wooden box" they said....
10-3 feeding 2 20amp gfi outlets. Each outlet has separate breaker, yes they share common neutral, but only one outlet side at a time Wil be used ( I'm the only one using box) . Kinda tough to run welder and grinder at same time.
Second box I've built like this first one lasted 14years before the box cracked and allowed water in, cooked one of the outlets.
Tore down a 60 front today that was suppose to be "rebuilt",gotta wonder about the quality of the rebuild or the set up when they can/wont afford to replace a $4 part.