Random pic thread.


Best wife ever!! Happy b-day to me!!
Yeah and the insurance coverage on this thing is flippin expensive!
Lol , sorry wasn't trying to rain on ya, Its good stuff! Supposedly his exact recipe, although I doubt he ever wrote it down.

Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! I wasn't trying to detract from your fun. I just remember back in the day when they would roll into my town in that old truck with cases in the back.

I met him several times and enjoyed sharing sips when we did. RIP POPCORN!
The original methods of making shine where to use corn mash not to make the world famous Popcorn Sutton sugar liquor. He was a friend of my family and we always had plenty of shine around that came from him. He had his hands in a lot more profitable illegal substances around the house here.
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He would roll over in his grave if he knew someone was paying taxes for shine with his name on it.

.... Lol that's why they're calling it "white whiskey"