Random pic thread.


International 549 big block on propane. This puts a smile on my face.
Where do you get those tags to label the wires? I've looked at several electrical supply stores, Lowes, and home depot and cant seem to find anything but the stick on kind.

Considering his obvious attention to detail, I'm going to go out on a limb and say he probably painstakingly crafts them himself in his spare time out of used gift cards that he personally bleaches perfectly white, then hand carves them using tools handed down from his great-grandfather. All off the clock, of course. ;)
Considering his obvious attention to detail, I'm going to go out on a limb and say he probably painstakingly crafts them himself in his spare time out of used gift cards that he personally bleaches perfectly white, then hand carves them using tools handed down from his great-grandfather. All off the clock, of course. ;)
They do call me anal when it comes to wiring, but it only takes a few extra minutes to make it nice for the next man to work around.
I call it "yota glitter" @tknopp @mommucked

That was the fill plug outta my buggys rear axle. I didn't pull the drain plug. :/ that's nothing compared to what came out of my daily driver when my passenger side rear wheel bearing shit the bed.
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