Random pic thread.

You look overdressed for that heat. I swear it looks like you're wearing a jacket in those pics. :D

I get that all the time but they are the West Marine auto inflators. They are the shit! Growing up in Northern Michigan right on the water we used to spend our spare summer time at the marina backing in and pulling out boats for all the “Boat People”. Paid good money too. If they didn’t want the help we would just sit at the launch and laugh our asses off until they got too pissed and would surrender their pride (and some $$)
Finally got off my butt today, & cleaned & organize one small corner of my basement. I've started so many times, but never make it 1/2 way. Everything ends up in the floor, just like all the shelf racking standing in the corner. It Was scattered in the floor. It's suppose to be on the Wall!:lol:


  • IMG_20180707_183639591.jpg
    79.7 KB · Views: 237
That idiot shouldn’t have CDL’s. Looks like Carova Beach access.

It is. Driver said he was following his GPS and when he got to the sand he decided to just "run out and turn around" instead of backing up.


Old house score:1
Little piggy score: 0
As if my feet weren't ugly enough!

Pretty sure the corner of my toe and nail are going to fall off.
Boots are going to suck. Bent the nail though! Chuck would be slightly proud.
Rub some salt in it and walk it off princess.
Eh, it was more of looky looky I cursed and crippled a piggy. Actually I think tomorrow it will be more sore. Methinks it's broke. But I still bent the damn nail!
Done broke that foots big toe so it's gets a new partner.
Now where is my screw gun?