Random pic thread.

So, why didn't Braniac have to do the vacuuming? No lesson learned there.

(Did you give him a "participation" trophy?)

He had school today and I didn’t have the heart to leave the whining pup locked in the garage. Just too pretty outside. He’ll get his punishment. Don’t you worry about that.
Bought some forks for my skidsteer. Anyone see why I'm worried about the fork frame? :lol:
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I guess the wife and I need to have a serious talk about our finances/lifestyle, and see if we can find a better way for her to make some side money...

Been there. Let's say they frown heavily on sampling the fruit before you buy/rent
My truck sits for up to 2 months sometimes. I checked the air filter recently, and the air box was full of insulation. Apparently a mouse had made it's home in there. He even chewed on the air filter.
