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The wife's car went to the dealer for takaga airbag recall and a wiring harness recall. So I schedule it so I can get a loaner car because of meetings. The day comes (today) so at 7:30 I go up and drop it off. Service writer asks if I can drive a stick
A stick? I've never DRIVEN a BMW stick actually. Even at the Driving school in Spartanburg they don't have sticks. Well HELL YEAH I can drive a stick!
BIG mistake..HUUUUGE mistake!
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"Be careful..this one has the Dinan flash and Dinan full exhaust"
Who in their right mind decided to make THIS a loaner car?
Anyway...dealership is like 5 miles from my office....all stoplights, near downtown. 3 of those miles are on a 6 lane "parkway"
I pulled to the exit of the dealership. Clicked "Sport + mode" and turned off ALL the nanny's. Pulled onto peters creek and saw 72mph as I shifted from 2nd to 3rd. This exhaust is SICK....popping and cracking at shifts, and it revs itself as you come to a stop once the clutch is engaged. I never got the car into 4th coming to the office.
I took a few little short cuts at the ball field. I.E. shooting up 1st street to Fayette, over to 4th street, by the filling station then ping-ponging onto 5th street, like I was a steel ball in a 70's Playboy pinball machine. Total disregard for "stopsigns" and rolling right on red like it was a suggestion rather than a statement to STOP.
So instead of parking in my usual spot, I park this RED rolling felony at the front corner next to the front door with the ass hanging out enough to be seen street-side (to run in, show the boss and share my excitement)
I kid you not....7 minutes after pulling up to my office I'm standing there in the front of the office by the big windows telling my boss about this car that FAR exceeds the M4 we drove at the BMW driving experience....and I look out the window in front of us and a COP pulls up with lights on (solid, not strobe) to the curb 90 degrees from said loaner and walks into the office.
I did the STUPID thing and went right up to him instead of duck out the back.
I all BUT put my hands in front of me and tell him to "take me away"
He smiles and says "do you know anything about a missing phone"
Apparently some middle school child had her phone stolen and it's pinging in our building (condo's above my office) and he was there to "find the phone"
I thought for sure THIS was where I finally paid for all the stupid things I've done in a car (and
@Jason W. truck) all my life. But thankfully....he was a fan as well, and we went out so he could admire it as too