Random pic thread.

Beware: Tripping Hazzard
Can you share what it took to get to them that pretty? What grit and everything?
Mostly fuzzy pictures with a nice reflection from far away :D

I started with about 1000 grit, but that was too fine to get out the mill marks. The only other loose piece I had laying around was 36 grit, which got the imperfections out, but left some sizeable scratches.
The only other thing I had laying around was a brand new 150 grit 6x48 belt, so I used it to try and polish out the bad from the 36 grit. That took a lot more effort than if I had just started with the 150...

On the second one, I just did 150 followed by 1000ish. Worked a lot better. I think 100>200>1000 would be a good sequence, as the 150 took a lot of effort to get the mill marks out.
Red scotchbrite works really well for that in my opinion. Not mirror finish but a shiny matte finish that hides some of your screw ups. Plus doesn't clog up so quick.
Gee whiz. Back in the 80's my boss man would lift me up standing on one fork of his fork lift to put me on top of flat bed trucks that we loaded so I could tarp the load. I couldn't imagine dragging out that safety ladder to climb up the truck.
@Loganwayne snapped a pic of @Jody Treadway new crocs to be featured in an upcoming episode of RuPaul's Drag Race

I can't wait for the new season


Sneak peek at the competition

Beware: Tripping Hazzard
View attachment 295190

I've got the same problem with this guy. He is the same color as the carpet in our bedroom, and I can't see him in the middle of the night when the light is super dim. I learned quickly to hit the power button on my phone and use the light from the screen as a flashlight in the middle of the night when I get up to go to the bathroom. He usually sleeps on the floor beside the bed but isn't always in the same spot. We picked him up at the shelter a couple of months ago so our Shih-Tzu that we got as a stray would have a friend. He is the best behaved dog I have ever seen.
