Random pic thread.

I'm interested as well. Service manual says if the "annulus gear" is damaged, it's not serviceable and to replace the case front half - at least on the np241. I could see destructive removal working, but I'm not sure that would guarantee the new annulus gear not slipping after installation.. it's exposed to pretty high loads..

See comment above.

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Yesterday was fun.




I like propane training. Sounds like a freight train!

I've got to where I could care less about live burn training anymore, either LP or Class A. I mean I still enjoy them, but I don't go chasing them like I did earlier in my career. Now a good extrication class or some high angle rope or something rescue related and I'm all over that.

I like propane training. Sounds like a freight train!

It was definitely fun. Sounds like a 747 taking off.

I've got to where I could care less about live burn training anymore, either LP or Class A. I mean I still enjoy them, but I don't go chasing them like I did earlier in my career. Now a good extrication class or some high angle rope or something rescue related and I'm all over that.


I only have four more classes for my FF I/II, then Ill start my TR classes.
I've got to where I could care less about live burn training anymore, either LP or Class A. I mean I still enjoy them, but I don't go chasing them like I did earlier in my career. Now a good extrication class or some high angle rope or something rescue related and I'm all over that.

I still enjoy, but love a flashover can!
It's all just FF now! I'm so damn old i had FF 1, 2, and 3!

If Im not mistaken, and I could be, its still listed as FF I/II but its all one class. I know that starting next year, the classes will be in blocks and it will all just be "FF" like EMT is now.
Made my first chisel.. not quite done but it'll do like it is. (Mostly when I don't want to spark..) I've got another piece that's just a round "punch" for when I don't want to destroy something, though I've boogered threads with it anyway.

Finally got around to building the fire pit we've been wanting for 2 years, and then it starts raining... Oh well.

Also, the fire pit is too small. They all are.
I think the last fire we had was 6ft in diameter, with a half cylinder 6' high and about 7' in diameter, reflects heat back at you on a cool night. One fire we had was 20-24ft in diameter, about 16' high flames... Fed it whole limbs.. we burnt 5 or so 16' trailer loads of brush and limbs that evening.. fun 4 hours.