Random pic thread.

Pierce this time over Ferrara ?

Yep. Not really sad to leave Ferrara, but not exactly excited to go to Pierce. Honestly they all build good trucks and they all build bad trucks, so hopefully we get a good one.

Aaannnnddddd the block now has an extra hole in it. Story of my life. Oh well, I had 20 bucks worth of fun on it lol. Maybe when the predators at HF go on sale, I'll throw one on it.
Both statements sounds like no working governor.
Really you need a forestry mulcher.

I've been thinking that for the past two years he's been clearing :lol:

They're really not that bad to rent. My buddy has one and he charges $150/hr with a 3hr minimum. He can clear a lot of ground in 3hrs.
I priced a bobcat and mini excavator but after delivery and pick up is was north of 1K. Between the privit trees and the other junk I want gone I figure I need a dozer and a root rake.
So apparently tuning said new bike and making full throttle runs down the road at midnight to blow off steam is not socially acceptable.
We dropped a rebuilt 289 and transmission into my buddy’s 68 mustang across the street from me two days ago. We couldn’t wait to fire it up and tune it. We decided to break in the cam at a questionable hour and take it for a romp through the hood. I especially hope it bothered the shit out of our neighbors to the left. They’re dicks. Oh, it was open headers I might add. It was fantastic.
Both statements sounds like no working governor.

Probably true. I hadnt even gotten to look that close at it. Oh well, im just gonna find another motor and throw on it.
We dropped a rebuilt 289 and transmission into my buddy’s 68 mustang across the street from me two days ago. We couldn’t wait to fire it up and tune it. We decided to break in the cam at a questionable hour and take it for a romp through the hood. I especially hope it bothered the shit out of our neighbors to the left. They’re dicks. Oh, it was open headers I might add. It was fantastic.

Yea, see I llike my neighbors. All good folks. It didnt even cross my mind that it was midnight until I got back to the shop. Just needed to blow off some steam and clear my head. It worked, but I noticed more lights on when I made the second pass.
Yea, see I llike my neighbors. All good folks. It didnt even cross my mind that it was midnight until I got back to the shop. Just needed to blow off some steam and clear my head. It worked, but I noticed more lights on when I made the second pass.

if the popo didn’t show you weren’t trying hard enough !
Little fur buddy turned 5 today. He is the youngest of the 2 Bostons we have, also have a 15 year old rotti that's still going strong.

And the jeep is progressing a bit

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69 - 71? I once bought a 69 Brougham 4 door, just for the engine.429! I ended up running a demolition derby, with it, taking 1st. place. Then I pulled the running gear.
I found some pics last night, & it was a Two door. Been a while, & I'm forgetful! I had to recopy them, so you can see a flash mode in the center. Look for the 60 T-Bird in 1 pic. That's where the motor & tranny went, after a rebuild, & Corba-Jet cam, sucking through a Holly 750!


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Kiddie pools weren’t cutting it and with the whole world shut down and a Charleston summer just around the corner, momma wasn’t taking any chances.

I churched it up with some leftover sandbags from whatever hurricane hit a couple years ago.

Usually it’s just me the neighbors have to worry about, so it’s nice to have her take the lead on this one :D



Garden time.



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