Random pic thread.


These two showed up at my house today in Davie County. Anybody missing some critters??
Is that a pig ?
Yes, and a pit mix. He seems laid back and goofy. Been kinda weird around here all day. The dog humps the pig about every 15 minutes unless he is sleeping.
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Meh... Just 80 pound bags of rock. They'll ride fine.

I see that crap all the time, and they drive for miles and miles with no problem. But I know if I tried it I would lose every single bag and kill a bus full of nuns.

We always load dirty hose onto the tailboard after a fire. I've either never lost a roll or never noticed once back to station!
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We always load dirty hose onto the tailboard after a fire. I've either never lost a roll or never noticed once back to station!
Does this help with puglet breeding? :confused:o_O:)

And for the record I've repaired some crazy shit from 6 inch hose coming off the back of a fire truck without the crew knowing.
Does this help with puglet breeding? :confused:o_O:)

And for the record I've repaired some crazy shit from 6 inch hose coming off the back of a fire truck without the crew knowing.
Lol, wrong quote!

We never tailboard LDH. It gets cleaned and racked back into the bed. We did lay 1000' by accident leaving the station once though. As we came back we were like ”who the hell laid all that" then realized the bed was empty. Whoops.
This was back in '82 or so.... Had a guy on our dept....he was OK but kind of an asshole. Had a burner one night....only 4 of us showed on the first call out. Anyway, I go back around truck to help get hose going, this guy had been trying to pull off the *bottom* of the 2-1/2 hose lay....then pulled off the top trying to find the end, then tried pulling off one side or another, and back to the top. So here we are, 4 guys, 2 trucks, hose off the main pumper a tangled mess....I figured out pretty quick the problem was he was drunk. Called chief over (who had better things to deal with, like a burning apartment house and 3 FFs (2 sober) and no water flowing yet). Turns FF over to city cops. Never saw him after that.

Sure do remember the lecture that was handed out at the next meeting.
We always load dirty hose onto the tailboard after a fire. I've either never lost a roll or never noticed once back to station!

We always bring a pick up truck full of juniors to "help" with that lol.

Only in Winston Salem ........



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