When I finally got my dozer and brought it to my property, I pulled the truck/trailer about 40ft into the driveway and unloaded it. Backed the dozer off the trailer, hopped off to fold the trailer ramps up, and it died. Walked over to recrank it and at least pull it forward because it was partially blocking my new neighbors driveway (this was like 2007-2008ish, I had only owned the property a couple months, barely knew the people). It turned over, hit, and died a few times. Of course the battery is sounding a bit weak too at this point

Sumbitch was outta fuel. Blocking my truck and trailer in my driveway AND blocking my neighbors driveway.

This was the first "real" diesel I ever owned, and did not self prime. Took me about an hour to get ahold of my dad and get him to bring me some fuel. Then took us about another hour to find the handpump to prime it. Then another 30 minutes of fiddling with throttle and primer and starting and waiting for the jumper cables to charge. Also, first 24 volt system, so had to figure out how to jump that. Finally, after about 3hrs, got her going, and swore I'd never run it out of fuel again.
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