selling your rig? not here unless you're popular...

Bring that ASU bunny slope trail machine to a ride. Put a for sale sign on it, show everyone how badass it is trying to crawl back onto your trailer. I'm sure it'll sell then. .....
"off with his head" "such mockery will not be allowed within these here walls" "men prepare for battle"
"its mmmyyy thread and ill cry if I want too"
That's what i'm talking about. I do the same, learn along the way weather running 30s or 39s, single/double/or triple who gives a damn, as long as it's fun and learning experience that's what this sport is all about..."learning along the way" tell that to other people redneckcj5guy, you got the right idea. way to go bro. better than saying "your endangering the lives of the public with those 3x tires and doublers you troll" he he he, I just get a good laugh out of these people who actually think they're cool and that i'm just some total
Damn that's cold for this time of year, even in Boone. It's 71 and raining here.
again, the biggest bs Ive seen in along time. still havent been bored enough to read thru it yet. mainly the great ones opening thread and the ones after I post. funny shit right here. quit talking shit and lets wheel everyones junk pile. then see whos is able to make it back to the parking lot. still wont change the fact of bs you have spewed on here. and in my case the bs you filled me full as you was trying to sell me parts. only to all be a waste of time.
I have a ant hill you can wheel on. Think you should air your tires down.... or up.... hmmm
I'm just really confused as to how you think you are still in the "stock or little jeep club" when you have 10" of lift and 38's I dont believe jeep rolled Cherokees out like that.....
Please tell me 88jeepster how your rig is "shit beat rock missile"? I'm just curious since you have all the badass armor, pinstripes, and dents o_O

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