ok the only thing I wanted to clear up is:
1> I don't hate or degrade rock crawlers. I think they are awesome. I just hate everyone else shit is compared to them.
2> I don't hate yotas as bad as you say. that was some shit I had towards one guy who pissed me off cause he didn't speak up and called my jeep shit.
3> I don't care what yall believe me to be. I don't hate anyone, I don't put down anyone until I'm in defending myself or my Jeep kind. I do however respect ALL PEOPLE in this sport, little or big and is the most fun hobby I've had for long time now. I said earlier, i'm only here defending us little Jeepsters who aren't scared to run bigger tires on stock jeeps and to tell and show the pros that we can do it too with what we got. It's the guys who say "you can't make it out of your driveway with that POS" or "that's a trail tampon" or "doubler will crack you in half" that's why i'm defending and hating on the pros because CLEarly I have done it, I drove it around some "richland" road, played a little, came back home safely, helped someone out while there, and still truckin along.
4> For all those who say Doubler doesn't help 38s on stock axle....mathematically maybe not.....but with someone being smart on the peddle it will hold up just fine and pull them through stuff way easier because of the low low gear reduction, the transmission/t-cases are doing all the work and tires are just applying the load. yes it would brake on some hard core wheeling, but to ride some trails and not drive like a moron, Doubler is best thing money could by for running big ass tires.
5> For all the peeps on here taking so much offense, I laugh at how offended you get. I just started out while back and now stating what I've done to my jeeps, how it works for me and how cool it is. Yall the ones that jump in with your WHite Horse and shining Armor immediately to explain how I'm a moron for that setup and it won't last a minute and bla bla bla bla..............all you did was talk shit.......if that offends you, tough, live with it, grow up, and stop bashing every Jeepster like me that comes along whose running big tires just cause your scared to. Let people enjoy what they do, learn from their own trials and error and stop the Childish "Tampon" comments to their rigs just cause its not your liking. I, until this thread, never put down anyone's rig and won't cause i'm just not like that.