Show & Crawl at MarsFab Oct 2nd.

Thanks for the links Mr. Chris. preciate it.

Well Me George Franky and Bobby spent the last two days cleaning up the shop and weedeating the Rock pile. It was sprayed with roundup a few weeks ago and that took care of most of the stuff around the edges. The weed eaters got the rest so It should be pretty nice by Saturday.

Looks like we got like 35 folks on Facebook for sure and 90 something that are maybes. I gotta give a big thanks to Ricky for doing the Facebook stuff. He usually draws a pretty big crowd. Now I just gotta figure out whwere to park everybody if they all show up LOL!
Im fireing up the heep for the first time in 5 months to come out and play on the rocks!... Hopefully ill break something and will just have to leave it there to link the rear, chop the top and tube it out, who knows....\m/ It will be a good time as always!
Bumping up, let's see a good turnout.

Put the battery charger on my Jeep this morning.
The sunshine and wind really dried everything up nice today. Its not near as muddy as I was afraid it would be.
Rock Pile was looking great today... Ya'll got it all blinged out.:huggy: (you should've gave me a shout, I would have lent a hand and a weedeater).

Just pumped up the tires and washed my junk, can't wait for some hotdogs, good company, and Carnage tomorrow:beer:
:bounce2::bounce2:I'm all loaded and packed up, ready to roll in the morning! Shooting for around 11:00 or so to be ready to serve at 12:00 at least!
Im guessing 150 plus people coming and going.
the rock garden was HUGE.
broke lots of stuff.
Had fun doing it too!!:driver:
a few pics
it swallowed my 38 TSL


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Man I had a blast!! The cherokee did ok.... got some bluffing out to do. Got the front dif opened up and all I broke was a shaft! everything is fine with the rear. Great Turnout!!! Rock pile was sick!
Great time! Thanks Chris from Mars Fab for puttin it on and the Hot Dog guy for the chow. Great hot dogs! Will post pics as soon as I download them from my wifes cell! Hope they come out. Again a big thanks to Chris!! Makes me want to get out there and lift my XJ more so I can play too.
Had a great time today. Great turn out. Saw a lot of people and met a few new faces. Couldnt have asked for a better day. Big thanks to Terry for coming out and cooking hot dogs all day.