Spin off of the strangest tool thread


Sep 4, 2007
Whats the tool that you can never find when you are looking for it?
Mine would be either a 10 or 15 mm combo wrench.:flipoff:
I've been known to loose 3 or 4 screwdrivers and when I go to lay the 5'th one down while working on something, I find all the rest of my screwdrivers... And it's always the phyllips. I can MAKE a flathead so they never disappear...
Sears (well, back when they used to make decent tools) ought to sell 10-packs of 1/2" combination wrenches, 9/16" combination wrenches, etc. Discounted like the packs of 8 or 10 or whatever incremental wrenches. I spend too much time looking for common tools, just cause I left it the last place I used it.
The tool that I just had in my hand. Damn thing disappears so fast. Or phillips screwdrivers. I think I have 20 of them and could probably only find one if I looked for 10 minutes.
12MM & 14MM wrenches or sockets. Always seem to lose my snap ring pliers as well.
My head after about 10:beer:
I have a bunch of 9/16" wrenches and can Never ever locate one when I need it.

I cant recall how many times, I've just gone and bought new stuff cuz I cant find what I know I have 3 of already...

A running rig.

Also, phillips head screwdrivers and the appropriately dirty rag.
I lose damn needle-nose pliers more often than anything, by FAR. I must have owned 8 pairs of them.
I think it m,ust be b/c they're so universal, get grabbed and used for anything, then left, er, who knows where.

My favorite - the recliner in our sofa wouldn't work for awhile (got stuck leaning about halfway back). After about 4 months, finallt got frustrated and looked into fixing it.
low and behold - pair of needlenose had fallen between teh cushions and into the scissors mechanism.
Looked at my wife and said, "Oooooh, THAT's where I left them!"
I buy (a lot of) extra 10mm, 1/2", 9/16", and 3/4" wrenches and sockets. Because it pisses me off to be looking for a tool when I should be working on my shit. I've got so many projects going on in so many different places that I pretty regularly can't find shit.
Depends on what I'm doing. If working on a house, the phillips screwdriver. If working on a vehicle, the 10mm socket attached to the extension attached to the 1/4 drive ratchet. The whole thing just disapears!!!
15mm socket
I have bought 4
I have 1 spot on my rig that takes em (Tranny support bar mounts) and every tie the tranny comes out it time for a new one.
12mm anything.
On a zook that equals half of the bolts.
8mm,10mm, 14mm, 17mm make up the other half w/ the exception of axle nuts (2" or whattheheckeverequivalent in mm) and 2 or 3 19mm oddballs.

But I can never find the 12mm whatever I just used.

My utiltiy knife!! I have to buy a new one about once an month!!!
magnetic pickup tool,

I believe the one that I have missing is stuck under the hood of a car. So if someone finds a neon green telescoping magnetic pickup tool please return.