New Member
- Joined
- Dec 7, 2005
- Location
- New Bern, NC 28562
Funny, I have read that a few times now and I understand that more than I understand most of your posts.
SHINTON said:Will give ya an honest piece of advice here... is the Southern 4wd website, in the site you will find links to various 4x4 clubs in the NC area that are active members of Southern.
Look thru those clubs, check out their websites and ask them (nicely) about coming to a meeting or better yet a WORK day at Uwharrie National Forest so you can meet them and they can meet you.
By showing up at a workday at the forest, you will meet LOTS of guys from this board (several of which have actually already told you NO in this thread)...but you could change their mind when they meet you in person, and you are working right along beside them, keeping our trails open.
By finding a club and joining it (with parents permission etc since you are underage, same thing for the workday) will find access to all sort of folks who have ujoints older than you, and they will be part of your new 4x4 hobby / family.
Again...several of the folks in this thread...are members of those clubs.
So that is my honest advice, getting involved with a SFWDA / NC club, and coming to the new workday at URE and you will find yourself a long ways towards getting respect.
Keep the shiny side up bud!
Sam...(and the answer is no...sponsership is for folks we have met, I think you realize that now)...Hinton
midnite said:dude, just started out with that "slang". if u could take a few minutes and read the thread then you might be abkle to see that the "grammar" issue has changed.---- nad yes, if i were to do a repair, then i would check and double check it.
midnite with grammar check said:Dude, I just started out with that "slang". If you could take a few minutes and read the thread, then you might be able to see that the "grammar" issue has changed. And, yes, if I were to do a repair, then I would check and double check it.
midnite said:--------Supposedly this was an actual test that someone conducted some-where.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
RatLabGuy said:As long as this trhead has no real topic...
Just FYI, the explanation of this is total BS. Might want to do a little research before passing it along. I am being an ass about this *only* because it falls right into my area of training, and most scientists get really pissy when people push around incorrect information that enhance stereotypes. I have seen this paragraph so many times... I just can't take it anymore...
The reason this works is by contextual fill-in. Reading is alot more cognitive than just sucking one word at a time off of a page - yer brain is quite actively taking in the whole sentence (context) and using that to resolve confusion. Note that this effect works *only* if you are a fluid reader (AKA, not dyslexic).
Look at the following string of letters:
Make any sense? Doubtful. At least more difficult than above. But they were taken from the above paragraph - hence their explanation is bogus.
Oh and BTW midnite, there is a huge difference in your "speak" than what is above. This is just scrambled letters, easy to change around b/c it is just visual rearrangement, and dosn't require any orthographics or grapheme-phoneme translation. Your babble, on the other hand, does... and for anyone with a phonological "deficiency" (10% of Americans), that's a helluva lot more difficult.
Chris_M said:WOW, this made it to 3 pages!!
No, nobody wants to sponsor a kid that appears immature and illiterate. Also, nobody knows you, and therefore isn't willing to take a risk that you will make him/her look bad.
Go away already, or grow up, you will see us on the trail if you do anything more than webwheel. Maybe then some one will sponsor you.
I still can't believe 3 pages
midnite said:hi 2 u too, and uhh ure not one of those online "fags" r u???
midnite said:if u want to beat me out we can anytime for fun. i am "underage".
if you would answer my pm's on pirate about updating my address that would be good enough.crawlmag said:I'll send you a crawl mag decal for your rig, is that good enough?
crawlmag said:I'll send you a crawl mag decal for your rig, is that good enough?
Metto said:you are the most fucked up piece of shit to ever crawl the board. please leave or learn how to spell immediately. i just went through 3 pages of misspelled crap and it was all yours. you have a complete lack of gramatical skill. it would be best for everyone if you jumped off a cliff. i know when i joined back when i was like 14, i could spell twice as good as you
midnite said:if urem talking to me, then sure. send me a PM so i kniow ure talking to me.
midnite said:and if you would read the thread and actually look through this you would see that the "grammatical issue" has changed.
midnite said:ne = any
just a few examples.