
check out some of the other threads i have posted in. its not much because i am not sponsored, but it was a little bit of advice to help some people. and at least belive me when i say this.....
"i can drive a wrench if it needs to be done."
....I always did want to wrestle a pig.

Lay low, read (listen) a lot, meet some people, & try again later on.
Midnite. Did you not like the forum I pointed out to you in this thread? I think it would be VERY appropriate for you, just as long as you are not here. Now about Rich...Trust me !!!!!! I have been down that road, He knows alot about alot; A good person to get tech. info from, but If you think you are going to win an argument with him YOUR WRONG!!!! it will never happen, He has nothing better to do then to make you look realy stuped...now that I think of it,.... Rich your a prick:fuck-you: (I needed an excuse to use the new smile thing to)point is KID, this is not the place for you.

P.S at 16 you just THINK you can wrench!
WOW!! This is fun!! I like his original post...neone....It took me about 20 minutes to figure out that he was using retard language and wasn't trying to spell neon. I feel like I am reading a message from my 13 year old nephew...

Midnite- I think that everyone is trying to make you understand that you can't go on these boards and ask for help, then when a few guys poke fun at you about your language, you get fired up. It is evident that you are a teenager and not an adult. with that said, let this die off and try back in a few weeks with a better attitude and learn to laugh about things. The more you post on here, the more we will make fun. That is how you can tell we are all red necks with too much time on our hands....ha ha ha ha ha ha
midnite - I have one simple request that will make your life here easier.

On the lower left hand side of you keyboard, there is a button just beside the "Z" that says Shift. Oh look, there's also one on the right beside the "/" also.

Please use this when it is appropriate. For example - the beginning of sentences. The first letter should be in caps. Also, in English, when speaking of yourself, in the first person, the letter "i" is capitolized.
Thus far I can only assume that you have defective keyboard that has 2 broken keys. Please replace it.
RatLabGuy said:
Thus far I can only assume that you have defective keyboard that has 2 broken keys. Please replace it.

I don't think the problem lies in the keyboard. The problem can be traced back to the loose nut behind the keyboard. :D

iproamtnt = important

ltteer = letter

phaonmneal = phenomenal

cmabrigde = cambridge

So no, it isn't really all that difficult. Still, ur rite, teh L33T gamer RoXxOrs stuff is not the same thing.
ok guys danm. Ive tried let this die down but you guys just keep bringing the same subject back. if you want it to die, then just dont post anything and neither will I. and no, I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone either.
I've never really posted in the chit-chat but this thread cracks me up!!! LOL, wonder if it'll get confusing if ure means one thing and URE means another.

midnite said:
ok, but i mean like when i use it. in the lowercase form.

No, when you use it in lower case form it shows that YOU are too damn LAZY to use proper grammer and diction.

Take the hint, your way ain't as cool as you think it is, except maybe to your highschool buddies.
dont think you can get a thread lock because this is the general chit-chat, so im talking in general, and no one (well, at least to my knowledge) is making you read this thread.........
Wow... It's like Highlander with horses in here...

-- Not a mod, I'm not locking it...


PS. Midnite, I like how you're not taking it personally. Hoping you find someone local to sponsor you.

PPS. URE can be the same as ure if you never use the shift button.