Swampy go fast

Haven't been back out to Nates. Some of us work too damn much and dont get to skank out wannabe rowdy yota trucks all day.
I work as much as you......I just replace my social life with playin toyota trucks.
Since Braxton is nagging me...I guess I better make some progress. Tomorrow I shall pull the engine trans and case back out....call Bud's Tig guy and buy a decent pair of snap ring plyers so I can fix my 205 shift fork. Hopefully the fellow can weld the cracks in the tranny this week. If he can then i don't see why i can't have it fired up this weekend.
I'm working on it man.....I have been real busy with school and work. School took advantage of the new welder and had me to modify a rack for some servers/switches. I also had to build supprt brackets cause the server was heavy as hell.

I got kinda yelled at for putting a 110 power outlet in the celling for a hub and not telling them/asking them first. Aparently we have to fill out a work order and have the school do the work due to insurance reasons....piss on that. I do what I want.
damnit......This everyother day raining thing is really getting old
I'm ordering this in a few hours....:Rockon:
I made the new driveshafts this morning...:Rockon:
I loaded the trans on the tralier this afternoon....Tim Greene is going to do the TIG repairs for my on friday morning....Maybe I can make some progress next week...but
haha....I had Tim Greene out in Gamewell do the Tig welding. He is super nice guy.
He has a small shop out behind his house with some NICE welding equipment.

His number is 828-754-4389 if anyone needs any welding done. He does really good work and he has very reasonable prices.
I didn't have any time for swampy over the weekend because I had to get the tralier ready to go get the blazer. I'm gonna move swampy back in the dry and start busting ass on it....
I'm going to pass back over the motor mount welds since the motor is out of the truck....then Motor and trans are going back in :Rockon: Maybe now I can make some progress. My 205 is still sittin on the shop table. I failed at gettin the snap ring off. Anyone wanna put my shift fork back on and finish the twinn sticking?
Bring it over.

I will throw it in the trunk of the Saturn tomorrow if the roads get better....I had to leave my Dodge at work. This weather made work hell today.
Due to the fact that it rains/snows under my carport.....I didn't get anything done on the truck tonight. But I did wire wheel the 205....I'm gonna finish cleaning it tomorrow/paint it. I also sifted through my selection of china sockets and organized a complete set to leave in the tool box of the dodge. I'm going to buy a new set to use at home.
I wen't a picked up some new plugs/wires/ cap for the sbc...then on the way home....the Saturn's transmission flew all to hell:(
I made a backet to mount the sweet MFG Power steering pump and a block of plate for the mech fuel pump.

I also ordered a radiator /cap/brakets from Summitt today. I wish I would have thought to order a trans cooler while I was at it.
I went and picked up my new 205 from Big Woody tonight....The when i got home I had some boxes from the UPS man. I took the radiator out of the box and wasn't very impressed....one outlet has a dent and the welds look like ass....It looks like I got scratch and dent quality at regular price.
The 205 is in :Rockon:. I'm gonna make a crossmember for it and then haul it to Larry's muffler shop to gets me some new pipes. I'll to to napa tomorrow and see if I can find some radiator hoses that will work.

I also need to make a fan shroud