Exactly why we should have a law that you cannot vote if you are not disabled and CHOOSE to live on welfare and pay no taxes . It's a given the non working ( peeps living off welfare only because they can and get away with it ) will vote for whoever keeps giving them others money (taxes). There is absolutely no racism or discrimination in that, it would apply to ALL deadbeats and prevent politicians buying votes.
Beyond that...provide a valid drivers license. And there should be a pre-voting test about the candidates, if you can't provide a passing grade on the platforms for which they're running...you're too ignorant about the candidates to vote anyway.
It better be multiple choice, because I bet even the politicians themselves couldn't tell you from day to day what their platform was compared to what their actual agenda is.
conflict of interest.
If a law like this WAS passed, do you suppose it would cause anyone to get off their ass and get a job and be a responsible person so they could vote again?
Here's the only rub (at least for me). I am a stay-at-home dad by choice currently. I have been approached by Smart Start and they have indicated that there is free tax-payer paid day care that I can put my son in so I can go back to work if I want to. The main reason that I don't take them up on that offer is that in Fall of 2015, my son will start Kindergarten and between now and then, I want to be his primary influence and not some outside person whom I don't know. Sure, there are some really good folks at some of these day cares, but at the end of the day, I know exactly what has been told and introduced to my child.
Now, my wife works and she brings home a decent income that allows me to do this, so I am in a special circumstance, but as I'm finding out, it's not as uncommon anymore as I once thought. More and more people are choosing to stay home and go back to the traditional one income family. Would I no longer be allowed to vote under that law?
Now, the real kicker comes in that we are at a tax bracket with her income that if she works 30 hours a week (her normal work schedule), she makes a certain level of income and is taxed such that we end up getting money back at the end of the year even with her deductions being as high as they can go. If she works MORE than the 30 hours, her paycheck is actually less because it shifts her into a higher tax bracket where they take out a substantial amount more in taxes. She has already had more taxes deducted this year (2014) than she did in the entire year of 2013, simply because her case load is higher. Irony at it's finest. Used to be "Work hard, play harder" - now it's "Work harder, pay more".
Here's the only rub (at least for me). I am a stay-at-home dad by choice currently. I have been approached by Smart Start and they have indicated that there is free tax-payer paid day care that I can put my son in so I can go back to work if I want to. The main reason that I don't take them up on that offer is that in Fall of 2015, my son will start Kindergarten and between now and then, I want to be his primary influence and not some outside person whom I don't know. Sure, there are some really good folks at some of these day cares, but at the end of the day, I know exactly what has been told and introduced to my child.
Now, my wife works and she brings home a decent income that allows me to do this, so I am in a special circumstance, but as I'm finding out, it's not as uncommon anymore as I once thought. More and more people are choosing to stay home and go back to the traditional one income family. Would I no longer be allowed to vote under that law?
Now, the real kicker comes in that we are at a tax bracket with her income that if she works 30 hours a week (her normal work schedule), she makes a certain level of income and is taxed such that we end up getting money back at the end of the year even with her deductions being as high as they can go. If she works MORE than the 30 hours, her paycheck is actually less because it shifts her into a higher tax bracket where they take out a substantial amount more in taxes. She has already had more taxes deducted this year (2014) than she did in the entire year of 2013, simply because her case load is higher. Irony at it's finest. Used to be "Work hard, play harder" - now it's "Work harder, pay more".
If you went back to work why would you need a tax payer funded anything?Correct me if I am wrong but I thought Smart Start was for low income families? Also if you make more shouldn't you be taxed accordingly? Getting a refund is like loaning the Gov't money at no interest and I'm willing to be you get money back because you dont work and she can claim head of household as a tax credit.
Not to dispute what you are saying...but it is damn near factually impossible with the US tax code. (I said damn near and I'll explain)
Now for the damn near...
There are certain "credits" (Earned income credit and child care credit) immediately come to mind. These are given up to an exact dollar amount. Beyond that they drop off either partially or in full. So it is possible if you were right up to the line you could see a reduction in year end if you passed that credit threshold. These thresholds are NOT calculated in with holdings...hence why they are credits. So you should see no difference in your pay checks.
Apparently we fall in the damn near category because I'm looking at two of my wife's pay stubs. She is paid every other week. The first check is for a total of 62 hours and it is for $2155.23. The second is for 69.25 hours (of which 6.5 of them were on snow-plan in which she gets an additional dollar an hour). That check was for $2275.41. So, while it is not less than the first check, 7 and a quarter hours worked out to $120.18 of which $6.50 was snow plan money. That works out to $17.16 an hour for those 7 hours when her normal pay rate is 34.65 an hour. Does that seem fair?
Now you are proving my point. I didnt say it was "fair" or "right"...just that the popular "we work more and make less" line isnt accuate.
So you work more hours and KEEP a smaller % of your income.
That is a progressive tax at work.
I dont agree with the progressive tax system, but you are seeing it in action. Your numbers fit perfectly with what is posted above.
See my next post for a break down
Wait..wuh.. what?!?!
On one hand you are saying it's factually impossible for her to work more and earn less and on the other hand you said, I just proved your point and it's not fair, just the progressive tax system at work?!?!?! So did I prove your point, or did you prove mine?
Working more and earning less would mean her actual paycheck DECREASED.