The Farm Spring Event scheduled! May 1-3

Hate to put myself out there and sound like a complete dummy, there a rain date scheduled for this thing? I know alot of people won't care about that and all, and normally I wouldn't, but considering that I live around 5 or 6 hours away I'll have to camp there and I really don't want to camp in the rain they're forecasting.
Typical carolina weather, probably just a passing summer shower.
Thanks for the responses. Mud's good to play in, but not all that fun to sleep in. I guess if it's raining too badly, I'll just camp out in the CUCV!
It is not usually a soaking rain around here, just a shower. Its the only shower available...
Question, this is a open (to the public) event right? One last thing is it any extra if you plan to camp?
Question, this is a open (to the public) event right? One last thing is it any extra if you plan to camp?

Yes. No, the rates are on the flyer, as long as you keep your wristband on, you are good for the weekend...