The Hammerdown trip to california

its a long ass drive wish ya luck on doing it straight. Remember when you get close dont ask anyone where the hammers are they will send you about any hour the wrong way. Just turn right just past walmart and go straight about 20 mins its on the right.

its the coolest place I have been wheeling or not have fun.
WE made it!

Here we are just across the bridge over the colorodo river.43 hours and 2 trailer tire blowouts and a transmission farkle later!! Gased the rigs and the 7 spare fuel cans in oklahoma (183) diesel 196,and lived through 1 sandstorm in the mojavie desert.And a near miss with a sub compact car chaging lanes in arizona.overnight here in 29 palms. We will ride the "claw hammer" today. And more towmorrow............


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Fueling up!

Fueling up during the snowstorm,tennessee. The gas station was closed.....No problem we just used the 40 gal pump tank in the tow rig.


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That would be an awsome trip!! When the boys get a little older, I'll have to look into a cross country wheeling trip!!

Good luck and keep posting pics!!
Damn what were your EGTs like puling that load for that long?
Well as far as the EGT's ....haha , lets just say I ran it hard and had no problems . EFI live is the shizzel .

The trip was awesome . We are in a hotel outside of LA and headed North to sacramento in the morning to drop off Bob and I will be spending a week with family up North . I will make the drive home alone :driver: Johnson Valley was the most hardcore place I have ever ran before . Don't worry though , we let them know how some country boys from NC could run with the best of them . Here come the pics and the stories to go with them :popcorn:
Day 1 at The Hammers!

We arrived late on wed afternoon. Stayed overnight in 29 palms and headed to the trails on thursday morning. The johnson valley offroad area is a giant dry lake bed. thius is where all the wheelers camp. All the trails are on the outer rim of the lakebed and in the surrounding mountians. We rode "claw hammer' on was just jeremy and I.We diden't really know where to go so we asked some 4 wheelers and they pointed to a canyon and said..."all them big jeps go over there" so off we went. I had some steering issues with the dodge about 1/2 way through the trail. we were forced to haed back to camp in jeremy's jeep to do some repairs. We ended up back out on the trail in the Duramax with all the needed tools' etc. Jeremy had to hammer the duramax up some steep sandy sections to get us where we needed to go. Also dodge some rocks.......In the dark! We finished the repairs and headed back to camp,but the dodge needed a new steering ram.


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Day 2 came and we met up with an old friend

On day 2 we met up with an old friend in "yucca valley' a small town 20 miles from the trails. I was able to find a set of "o" rings for the ram and install them. back to camp to install the ram, and we are ready to ride. Here is jeremy on "Chocolate thunder"


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Hey jeremy did you get the compressor in time!?Dude Im so jealous that would be awesome!
Johnson Valley is a cool place man. The lake bed to the left of Means dry lake is where the high speed section is. You could probably do 200 on it. Means just has too many craters from bomb testing. I cant wait to head back.

We decided to weigh the rig......27,000 lbs!! About 4,000 over out best guess.


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Rock rash

Here are some pics of some rock rash on our rigs. The rocks at the Hammers are loose jagged and unforgiving!


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